
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I'm up for a challenge...are you up for a challenge?

If you've been reading my ramblings for a while (thank you, by the way!), then you know that our adoption really emptied our bank accounts. Is our daughter worth it? Oh you bet she is!!!!!


Now that we're getting back on track I can't help but think of those who are in poverty, sickness, abuse, and desperation ~ God is keeping these things on my mind and in my heart for a reason I believe, and that is where you all come in...

We can make a difference

A huge difference

The difference between life and death

I'm going to do something here that I am not really comfortable doing, but I'm trying to be- I'm relinquishing control and acting on faith.

But I need your help! The more comments left, the more donation dollars given- just a heads up Bill, my loving, adoring, and trusting husband, but God is r-e-a-l-l-y stretching me on this one...soooooooo...

Our family will donate $35 of medicines through World Vision for every 35 comments left


I will support FAIR TRADE consumerism by giving one lucky reader


Or this...
Or any one of the following items...

(there are a couple of color options for this one-
click on the FAIR TRADE link above to see and then let me know your preference!)
(I bought a necklace just like this last year in Guatemala, and it's one of my absolute favorite pieces!)

All you have to do is leave a comment (please!...even if you NEVER leave comments, please leave one today!) telling me which necklace you'd like to receive...and spread the word!

Thanks so much everybody!!
This is bringing up a lot of insecurities for me, so I really appreciate each and every comment left!

Make sure I can reach you via email, because, as you know, I am not that computer savvy, ha!

That's pretty simple, right?

Let's Make a Difference Today!

If you want to become a follower of the blog, or if you already are, then go ahead and make a second comment letting me know, and that will count too! Isabelle will choose the lucky winner on Saturday!



  1. Thanks for finding me!

    I have put your blog into my favs so I can follow your journey!

  2. Great to see God stretching and using you.

  3. What a wonderful giveaway!!! I love the first one!

  4. Great giveaway. I love the last one! That's so wonderful you are giving back this time of year. We all should!

  5. What a great thing you are doing!! I hope it goes well. I'd love the last piece of jewelry. Blessings!!

  6. Alrighty!

    I just blogged about the contest, so hopefully you will be seeing some of my readers leaving some comments too!

    I have to say, I LOVE the last necklace--that is definitely the one I would choose!

    I sure hope you reach your goal, Bethany! What a wonderful thing to do for those children. Have a great afternoon!

  7. AWESOME! I can't wait to see how this turns out. I love the blue and brown piece. I so get that STRETCHY feeling sister.

  8. Hey Bethany,
    What a great idea! I hope you reach the goal. I happen to love the last necklace. My sister and mom got one like that in Guatemala, and I have always wished I would have!

    To answer you question on our adoption, we are going for infant domestic,(I love babies!)
    ~Praying someone will pick us!

  9. I love this idea....bless you and your family!! all them are beautiful.....but the last one seems to be a favorite!!

  10. Hello Bethany,

    I read about your mission from my friend Devin's blog. I just wanted to say that I think this is such an awesome display of God at work. Thank you for what you do and for giving of yourself! I don't mind winning a necklace I just wanted to help you reach your goal!

    Thanks again for your kindness!


  11. what a great way to pay it forward and be a blessing! count me in!

    btw I hopped over from Devin's blog. :)


  12. Yow can you ever make a decision as to what to support?! I have a World Vision catalog and find so many worthwhile projects that I can't decide! Good for you to do this to challenge others! Thank you!

  13. This is wonderful and I am so happy to support you!

    I love the brown one!!

    God Bless!!

  14. I read about this on Devin's blog. Pray you will reach your goal. My favorite is the last one.

  15. I really like the last one. It is so pretty!

  16. I think this is a great thing you are doing!

  17. woo hoo...

    happy friday... i am proud of you for this post and the insecurities you are challenging...

    i love you


  18. Bethany, what a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas! I heard about your effort on Devin's blog so I headed right over to leave my comment.

    I think all of the necklaces are lovely, but the blue one is especially pretty!

    Feel free to visit my blog anytime -

  19. What your doing is truly inspiring! Thanks for giving to such an amazing cause!


  20. I forgot to leave my email:

  21. This is awesome! Growing up my family always sponsored several children through World Vision, and now I have one through Compassion. I love the blue necklace!

  22. I like the purple one.

    It's really great to see you be obedient and step out on faith.

  23. I found you through the cookie recipe exchange, get ready to purchase some medicine, your comments are rolling in!

  24. What a great give away. I LOVE the last necklace!!

  25. Great idea, Bethany! Ouch...being stretched hurts sometimes...but yet it also feels pretty good too! Good for you for just going for it.

    Umm...and I love all the necklaces...but I guess I like #1 the best.

  26. Any necklace would be wonderful. I love that you are stepping outside your comfort zone and trying to help with medicine for those in need.

  27. So awesome that you are doing this! Praying you are overwhelmed with responses to this post!

    If I were to pick a necklace, I would choose the last one pictured. All of them are very pretty though!

  28. I love the last one. I hope I'm not too late w/ a comment :-) I'm going to post on my blog too to spread the word... I hope that's okay...

  29. saw this on Terri's blog-beautiful blog and as a fellow adoptive momma, love your story
    I love the last one!

  30. Got your link from Terri above. LOVE this idea. Isn't it amazing how God works. I too have a Guatemalan girly girl. I'll book mark you and see how your progress goes.



Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day. :)