
Monday, July 19, 2010


I don't want to forget the many fun things we've been doing this summer, so I'm doing a picture parade for posterity's sake.  Needless to say, this will certainly be a picture overload- proceed at your own risk!

Our happenings in the past week or so...

I discovered this while these guys were helping Daddy...
(I love the hand-on-hips- posture, ha!)

Bono, ahem, Jonah checking on the new kitty
**we've been feeding a stray (?), who has been named Scout (and is continually referred to accidentally as Scott), and the boys had brought him some water- I would never have promised them that if he continued to stop in, that we would adopt him as our kitty.  No, I wouldn't have done THAT!**
Pardon the skivvies, that's just the way it is around these parts, hee hee
They were contemplating something here!
Meet Scout, or Scott
He could be Sneakers's twin!

Look closely...she's singing!  Loudly!
And she's become obsessed with wrapping a blankie around her like I do a towel, ha ha!
Something about drawing just inspires her to belt out the tunes!
She's been drawing dolphins lately, and they are none too shabby!

Visiting Dad at work (Raytheon)- so sad Jonah missed this, but he was having a fun adventure with Mimi and Grampy!
Each time we go, the kiddos get junior ID badges made- guess who's grown quite attached to hers?

Hmm, this must be casual day- usually Bill's in khakis and a button down, very handsome I might add.

My children also got to witness their Mama get a bit snippy with someone who was obviously high on power...or at least thinks they are- don't you love those kinds of people?  Long story, but needless to say, I was not rude, but I certainly wasn't going to be spoken to like a three-year-old, no offense Bella Girl.

Cowboy/Soldier fun, anyone?

Aww, look at the way she leans in to big brother  (Jonah) helping her

Ethan returned from a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa with a balloon animal making kit- he made cutie a flower crown
I've definitely noticed that my chances of snapping all four together is at an all-time low- they are so busy with their own things, which is great...but, you know...  They're not together.  Sigh.
And of course I didn't take this shot until after their busy little mouths were chewing, which is basically the ONLY time I can keep them still and in one place long enough to take said shot!  Your Mommy loves you guys!!!

Yum, just eat.her.up!

We spent all day at the lake- here are some cute pics of the fun
Jonah came in all "wiped out" from the "laps" he'd been swimming in and out
Lord have mercy!  He needed to get his hair "just right" when he saw me with the camera!
Hands off, middle school girls- he is 100% MINE!


Ready, Set, GOOOOOO!!!

Princess Fishie (Ariel) Dive

Some other random cute pics of the Princess Fishie

this girl never slows down- she fits right in!!

Jonah and his finds- a pretty rock
The next few pics are so funny- I didn't even notice Isabelle in the background until I was uploading- oh, don't judge me, it would've only taken a few seconds for me to put my camera back before jumping in to rescue my little girl.  Kidding.  Kinda.

So there you have it!  We were supposed to head over to the ocean on Saturday, but I think we all had had a bit too much sun and surf for one week already.  These high temps and humidity are starting to wear us out!  Yesterday, we decided to stay home from church as well, which of course I don't like, but a few of us just aren't feeling very well.  It finally looks like it might rain today, which would be wonderful!  We need it so badly!  Ironically, I saw clips of the flooding going on in other parts of the world and country- heartbreaking to say the least.

Well, 3 out of 4 are up and getting louder...time to get breakfast started.  Then there is the issue of the fridge being, oh, I don't know, virtually EMPTY, yikes!  My schedules run slightly amuck in the brief summer months- must be the sticky heat!  Oh, and the FUN!  :)


  1. love all of the photos! looks like you all are having a blast!

  2. Looks like you guys are having a GREAT summer!!! Adore your family!

  3. What a great way to enjoy the summer, fun in the water !!!! Great pictures !!

  4. This post is so full of fabulous summer fun! Glad you guys are soaking it up!!!!

  5. my fav pic is princess fishie in mid-flight! thanks for sharing all of these! praying for you and your family tonight.........lovetoyou!

  6. What a great post of all the good times you're having together and memories you're making! I love the picture of "Ariel" from behind. Ruffle bum on a bathing suit, simply adorable! Is Scout still coming around? He looks like he could use a family who will give him lots of loving.


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