
Monday, September 27, 2010

Forever and Ever

There is an important date in our family that went by unnoticed, or rather, unacknowledged...until now!  September 4, 2008 was the day that our family was reunited after a long and difficult separation- the final stage of Isabelle Kate's adoption.  That day (night, technically) will remain one of the most cherished, perfect times in my whole life!  Hugging my boys again after SOOO long was simply indescribable!  I can only imagine how sweet reunions are where more months, and even years, have passed. 

So last night we celebrated our special day, the day our Forever and Ever Family was together again!

Poor Ethan had a stomach ache and wasn't feeling well enough for pictures  :(

Our family will forever be changed because God put the desire to adopt in our hearts,
and no, it wasn't easy, but it was His plan.  Thank you, God, for our precious gift!


  1. What a special time to celebrate!! She is so beautiful!! ;)

  2. what a sweet post! she is a precious little girl and is very lucky to be a part of your family!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! What a beautiful family you have!!

  4. What an amazing story. Thanks for sharing it. I am visiting from Crafting in the Closet. Thanks for your kind words. My husband and I are both adoptees and adoption is so close to our hearts. I am so happy for you and your family. Your daughter is beautiful!

  5. Awww... I love forever & ever day!! So precious & sweet. Love the picture of you & Isabelle... you're both radiant!!


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