
Friday, November 12, 2010

Show Us Your Life- Bathroom Edition

It's been a while since I've participated in Kelly's Korner, so if you're hopping on over from her blog, welcome!
To view other great bathrooms, click here.
My bathrooms are nothing to die for, but they serve their purpose, ha!

This is the wash room downstairs- I love the colors in this bath!
(these are incredibly difficult rooms to photograph, btw!)

this room is located in the hallway in between the garage and the kitchen, and the porch is directly across the way, so it was PERFECT for all that potty-training!

The kiddos' bath central...
the oh-so-original nautical themed bathroom...but I love the different colors, so it works

the master bath...
there is a large shower w/seat, but one day I'd love a deep soaker tub, ah....
and I'm getting over my pride issues and didn't even clean off the counter for you, so now you get a peak at all my beauty stuff  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!

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Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day. :)