
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

La Cuccina Italiana

In between dusting, vacuuming, swiffering, and tossing loads of clothes into the washer yesterday, I was also tuning into the Nate Show.  Love him!  He had had on a special chef guest, Lidia I'm-not-even-going-to-attempt-spelling-her-last-name, who reminded me that there is much fun to be had in the kitchen!  So many times I fall into the trap of not wanting the mess- or wanting to summon the extra patience required when little hands are involved.  But I was totally and completely inspired yesterday, so last night we embraced our own cuccina italiana.

hands washed and aprons (and hat!) on...ready to get to work!

Little Miss helping Daddy crack the egg

love the tongue that appears when he's really concentrating...and look at Sneaks in the background, ha!

Caleb's turn ~ he loves it!

I was biting my tongue, folks.  For real.

sticky sticky sticky

starting to come together!

after letting the dough rest for a few minutes, it was finally time to start rolling
poor Jonah had a headache and opted out of this part (E was having dinner down the road with Grandma and Grandpa)

he was working so hard!
those wintery things in the background are screaming out at me about now ~ it's just our reality for half the year, so you'd think I'd come to terms with it already

and presto, we have fettuccine noodles!

this impromptu recipe called for fresh veggies (peppers & asparagus) sauteed in olive oil
plus a sprinkle of cheese and a dash of basil, and...


The kiddos really enjoyed eating something they had made themselves, and it sure was yummy!
I think I see a pasta machine on our anniversary list this year!  :)


  1. Yum! That looks good. I really love asparagus! haha I have never made pasta before but sounds like fun!

  2. You're really inspiring. I don't cook at all and I can totally and completely relate to how you feel about the mess and patience. Good for you for making the effort and enjoying to spoils. Mmmm, pasta!

  3. Yummy - looks so good. And, how sweet that you are involving your kiddos! We had asparagus last night and it was so good! But, I was a cheater and used instant, brown rice!

  4. Way to go, Bethany!! I watched a friend make pasta once, and it was heavenly! But so much work I've never tried it myself :)

    Check out my blog, I have an award waiting for you there :)

  5. It's a special moment whenever you make something with the kids. I'm a new follower and thanks for visiting my blog :)


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