
Friday, April 1, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party Hop 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

 Hi, I'm Bethany, and I'm so glad you're here!
If you visit often, thank you!  You rock!  I have enjoyed getting to know each one of you & you make my day that much brighter!
If you're new here, welcome!  I hope you'll browse around and come back to visit again!
I must apologize for monopolizing the linky lists at the party- I jumped the gun linking up only to realize I'd joined the wrong list, and then I couldn't delete it, so I went ahead and linked up again...and THEN I actually read the different options and realized I should've linked up to the Christian category...sorry for that!  You'd think after all these years (and I was a teacher, gasp!) I'd remember to read the instructions FIRST!
Here's a quick overview of my life, though knowing me, it won't actually be all that quick, ha!

I married my best friend when I was 22 {wow! that was a l-o-n-g time ago, ha!} years old- it was one of the best, most exciting days of my whole life.

As newlyweds, we suffered the loss of babies who are in heaven now- I ended up in the hospital with suspected appendicitis, only to learn that I was carrying a double abdominal ectopic pregnancy.  Many doctors told me I was lucky to be alive, and my chances of conceiving again and carrying to term were extremely low, but...

then came along handsome little fella number one in 1999...Ethan

And handsome little fella numero dos in 2001...Jonah

AND big, wonderful surprise fella #3 in 2002...Caleb
It was actually April Fools Day '02 when I found out we were expecting this little fireball...9 whole years ago today!
His birth was pretty traumatic and he almost died in utero- poor little baby had 2 blood transfusions after birth and when I finally got to hold him at 19 hours old, he was covered head to toe in tubes and wires. That was so hard...but he has always been a fighter and is now the happiest, brightest 8-year-old on the planet!

Our prayers were answered when God led us to our daughter through the miracle of adoption
meeting Isabelle for the very first time- Sept 2007
love at first sight!

God really opened my eyes to the plight of the orphan, and He is at work again, stirring our hearts in big ways like only He can...I will be blogging about this in the very near future, I'm sure.   :)

I used to be a high school teacher, and now I get to work with the high school kids in our youth group at our church- I loooove them!

Music is a huge part of my life and it's rare that we aren't listening to a great CD or Air1

Oh, how could I forget these lovelies?  L-R: Sneakers, Luke, & Sophie
See what happens when I don't tackle that laundry right away, ha!
This pile o' cats is usually what's pining down my feet each morning, too.  :)

With four kiddos- and three of them messy, loud, silly, adventurous, messy...did I already say that?...boys- I've finally learned the value of trading in my perfectionist ways and fully embracing the value of a "good enough" kind of attitude.  Life really is too short to fuss over trivial things (like perfectly folded laundry and spotless kitchen floors), and I don't want to wake up one day and realized I've missed out on what mattered most.

These guys certainly give me lots of "fuel" for the blog, but I also enjoy writing about our many remodeling endeavors, decorating, baking & cooking, photography, sewing, and our family adventures.  

If you want to read some random, fun things about me, click here and scroll down a bit.  I'm also about 500 pages deep into writing my very first novel, a love story with lots of twists and turns.  Whew!  It's hard but I know it's what I'm meant to do.

In our family, we love adventure...

cheering each other on...

and having fun!

I've met some really wonderful people through blogging, and have been inspired in more ways than I could ever express!  Looking forward to making some new friends this week- parties like these are awesome!   :)

If you want, you can read my blog party post from 2010.

Well, that's about it...I hope you have a wonderful day!

ps- Happy April Fools' Day...this is what it looks like outside our home right now, and it's supposed to snow all day!
 Oh, and NO SCHOOL...guess the joke's on me!


  1. Hi Bethany - so lovely to meet you! What a beautiful family you have! I have two amazing kids and recently experience my first miscarriage. I'd love to have more kid(s) of my own, but God has also been stirring my heart for adoption for several years now & we are praying about what He would have us do. Feel free to come visit me at!

  2. I'm stopping by from the UPB - we're waiting for a match as we speak. This is our first adoption (hopefully, we will be able to adopt more than once), and we're always encouraged to read and hear about others who have gone through the waiting process and are living life again. Blessings to you and your family! :)

  3. Hi Bethany! You have a great blog and beautiful family! Hope you're having a really fun time blog hopping!

  4. I can't believe this snow today. And that school was canceled and the roads are clear, but I do understand better to be safe than sorry.

    I didn't realize you got married so young. Such a pretty bride. My kitties also think clean laundry was put there just for them to sleep on. GRRR!

    Have a great spring day!

  5. Hi There! I love the design of your site! I also have a son born in 1999. What a great year! (he was my first too!)You have a beautiful family! I really like your home too. Reminds me of where I grew up in NC except without all of that snow! Happy UBP11 !

  6. WOW! What a story! Nice to meet you! Let's party. :)

  7. Hi Bethany! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! It's so good to meet you and read the incredible testimony of how the Lord blessed you with your beautiful children.

  8. Stopping by from the UBP '11! I loved reading your story. You have been blessed with a wonderful family.

  9. Found your blog through UBP, your adoption story had me in tears. What a blessing your little Isabelle is (and your boys too!), and what an incredible mother you are. I was so moved by how hard you fought for her, when many might have given up.

  10. OH! Your babies are stinkin' adorable!! And we both have Ethans born in 1999! :)

    And I'm with you on the "good enough" philosophy! Makes parenting so much more relaxing!

    God bless!

  11. Thanks for visiting me. Your boys are precious...and Isabelle? Oh, my. What a blessing.

    Come back and see me!

  12. Hi! I am here from the UBP and it is so great to meet you. What a beautiful family you have!!

    joy & blessings to you all,

  13. Hi, Bethany! I'm so glad you stopped by "Our Family for His Glory" through the blog party- what a joy to meet you family! I'm so glad to have read of your story!

  14. I'm stopping by from UBP '11. I had to meet you since I have three boys and a girl, though they're in a different order. You have a lovely family!


  15. Hello Bethany,
    It was wonderful to meet you! Beautiful family, beautiful blog. Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the web! Thought I'd say hello back. :0)

    You've got a new follower!

    Much Love & Blessings,
    Our Simple Country Life

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    My husband and I are praying about adopting one day. I will have to come back and read your adoption story when I have a little more time!
    You have a new follower! I look forward to reading more!

    Blessings to you,

  17. Hi there! It is nice to meet you through UBP! You have a beautiful family. I have such a heart for adoption and my hubby is "all for it" too. hehe I am so excited to read your story! Thank you for posting!
    Have a blessed day!

  18. Hi! I'm stopping by from UBP - I'm #73 (Being Made New - on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know you a little - your kids are all beautiful...and, like you, I suffered the miscarriage of my first - and I hope you might stop by my place this week, too. :^)

  19. Found you on UBP'11 but I only saw you listed once! :) I am now following you and looking forward to reading about your adoption journey.
    ~ Wendy @

  20. So glad you stopped by. Can't wait to look around some more.

  21. Howdy!

    Adorable kids!!

    I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

    Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

    And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at

    I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

    Have a very blessed day!! :0)

  22. Hi! Following you from
    UBP! Hope you visit me
    and return the follow!

  23. I am your newest fan from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I would really appreciate it if you follow me back through Google Connect Friend. I have a lot of contest going on Madame Deals. $25 amazon gift card, Vera Bradley purse, $100 in jewelry, 200 cut coupons, bare minerals gift pack, $30 for an organic outfit, $75 P&G products, and the chance to win $1000. Thank you Amee

  24. Wow your house is beautiful! Nice to meet you. I have 2 kiddos, I'm a homeschooling mom, pastors wife, a pro athlete that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post
    Stop by to say hello!

  25. Your family is absolutely precious! Our boys are also adopted. They are true blessings and answer to our prayers. You can meet me at my
    Blessing on you and your family!

  26. I’m a new follower from UBP11. I just wanted to say hello. Please stop by to visit my blog and check out my giveaways.


  27. Hi Bethany! What a joy it is to "meet" you and your family! I love your adoption story...what a beautiful family God has blessed you with!
    Two things I found that we already have in common...1) I, too, have a son named Caleb...he will be 2 in May!
    2) I also linked my blog up to a different list then I intended too...Ooops! :)
    Looking forward to getting to know you more! :)


Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day. :)