
Monday, June 27, 2011

School's Out & Summer's In Full Swing

The last couple weeks of school flew by! I captured some moments to help me remember these days before we officially welcome in the summer...

We may not have had the most summer-like weather for the last day of school but this goodie basket helped ease the pain a bit!

And the next day was all rain too, but we sure made the most of it! Swimming, swimming & more swimming! The Xbox Kinect games at the place were a big hit, too! They were so much fun- I was really working up a sweat with the dance routine! I must say however that I was definitely not a fan of the song choices, especially for young eyes and ears, but I chose the least offensive I could, um, two! HA!

I knew we had to leave promptly at 2 pm in order to make it in time for our new fingerprinting appointment (the one we had last week ended in tears- mine- and we ended up having to re-do some papers and reschedule). I don't know what happened but all of a sudden I only had twenty minutes to get to a place forty minutes away-yikes! That's never a good feeling, is it? I don't generally speed to make up for lost time. I figure it's better to be safe and a little late than to be really, really late because the police pulled you over. Or dead.

But our fingerprints are done now so our homestudy will be complete very soon! That's a big deal in the adoption world!

I'm sitting here alone on the couch watching Castle- he cracks me up! Isabelle and Caleb are asleep, Ethan is upstairs reading, Bill's in the shower, and it's just me, all by myself. Other than Castle just getting yelled at, it's quiet, still. Nice and cool, too. Jonah is with Mimi and Grampy camping tonight, possibly for two nights. It was Caleb's turn yesterday, so today we spent the day at the campground together swimming, playing in the sand, and canoeing. It was a great day! And we got to cross off a couple things from the Summer Fun List, too! I still don't like that feeling when I give goodnight kisses late at night and there's an empty bed. Boo, don't like it at all, even though I know they're having a great time.

 this poor guy did not feel fun!

HA! That's what I get trying to get a picture 2 minutes before we pack up!

I had a rough night last night so I went to the mall, which is somewhat unusual for me. That was nice, too, to be alone, no one bugging me for this, begging me for that. I was looking for new swim shorts for the boys and found everything but. I even found myself a new suit, and I LIKE it! 

I've decided that this summer I'm not going to abandon my love of lists and schedules! Every year when school gets out I think it will be so great, no plans, no schedules...and by the end of the first week I'm pulling my hair out. Not this summer! I did get lots of smiles when I told the boys that they didn't have to make their beds for the first week of vacation, but I didn't quite let them in on the new chores they'll be responsible for, hee hee! It's good for them, and their future wives will appreciate my efforts I'm sure!

Oops, now it's Monday, time for lunch already! And they're gettin' crazy! Time to go...

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