
Monday, August 22, 2011

Another Crazy Fun Summer Weekend

We're down to the nitty gritty here. It's kinda bittersweet. I love summer, but it's hard work!

Yesterday we celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday (Happy Birthday Grandma- today is the day!), complete with surprise thunderstorm and everything! Bill drove home quick to shut our windows! Ethan, Caleb and Isabelle had made Grandma some special bracelets, and Jonah worked so hard on a special card and giant envelope. She loved her homemade gifts! While at the big mall Saturday morning (getting the big boys new shoes...sticker shock...gulp) I spied a pretty pair of earrings that would match a necklace she wears often- love it when that happens!

It was nice to catch up with family, and to watch our kids play with their sweet baby cousin, Abby. I think mine were fighting over her toward the end of the day!

I may as well keep moving backwards...Saturday morning on our way out to the mall, our neighbors were having a yard sale- I saw a bike with training wheels, which we'd been talking about getting for a while now. I told my neighbor I'm in denial, as poor Isabelle has never even sat on a big girl bike and she'd 4 1/2! I think the boys were zipping up and down the street without training wheels at this age!

We got home from shopping, had a late lunch, and then Bill got a wild look in his eye and suggested we take the kiddos rafting down the river. I had had my heart set on sitting by the lakeshore, but...I mustered up some enthusiasm and went with the flow. Well, did we ever have an adventure! Some of our friends were down there, and they were letting their oldest son jump off a tree into the river, so of course all eyes turned to us, pleading pleading pleading! I used to do stuff like that all the time when I was a kid, so it was an easy yes from me!

The current was SO strong! Isabelle had on a vest and was in her princess tube, and the current just pulled her along effortlessly. I'd turn around for a second and she'd have drifted twenty feet away from me! I knew I needed to keep her very close when I tried to swim her back and I was kicking with all my might and hadn't even moved anywhere. Yikes! But what a rush!

The boys, including the biggest boy, jumped like pros and were having the time of their lives! Isabelle and I had lots of fun watching them. And would I jump the next time we go? You bet I will! :)

The sky was still bright but suddenly big drops of rain started pelting down on us. It was really cool! I love how the river sparkles when it rains! It was a muddy, muddy walk back to the car! Bill hosed everyone off in the backyard when we got home- they loved that, ha! My Mom and Dad had just driven by to check on me (awww...I'm a lot better now!) and we ended up ordering pizza for dinner and doing sparklers outside after dinner. I even let Isabelle hold one! I love it when those kinds of things happen- they make such nice memories!

Backing up even more...I still didn't feel well on Friday, and after trekking to the beach, the lake, and a few other things during the week, I was hoping everyone would be happy to just stay home and do stuff. Not quite. By 11, I knew we needed a big change of scenery. I made a quickie lunch and told everyone to hop in the car. Off to McDonald's we went- ice cream cones for 2, sundae cups for 3. Love those little fudgy sundaes, yum!

I also had some old bread with us so we headed to White Park to feed the ducks (and ginormous fish). This was obviously a big hit with my little girl! She got so excited and it was so much fun to watch her! The boys found a friend to play soccer with over in the fields, and for the first time ever, I let them go. Alone. Without me. We went back and forth a few times to check on them- poor Isabelle was getting sweaty by this point! It was good exercise!

Isabelle and I sat on the grassy hill in the shade and watched the impromptu soccer match. She was happy picking wildflowers and I was happy to be, well, not moving for a minute, and out of the hot sun. We stayed there a long while before going back to the ducks. It wasn't anything big or terribly exciting, but it was just nice. Fun.

After writing this,I realized that I didn't have my camera with me for nearly anything! That will change come Wednesday....   =)

And here we are, Monday morning, our last full week of summer. So far, I'm not in the best of moods. Maybe that has a little something to do with some of my children who are bickering and generally pushing one too many buttons, but...we'll find something fun to do!


  1. What a weekend! Nothing is better than impromptu adventures with family! Can't believe school is starting and summer is almost over! I'm in denial! And YES, I do owe you an email! So SORRY!!!!!!!!

  2. I am always amazed at everything you do to get your kids outside and active! I bet they have had the best summer doing all of those fun things! You're the cool mom who will jump from a tree into a river! haha! I was did you get your "link within" below your post to work? I added it to my gadgets last week, but it doesn't use any of my posts as links. It puts these random people's posts there (sometimes not good ones!). I figured I would give it a few days to scan my blog and figure out related posts, but it hasn't adjusted after a week. Just wondering if you knew how to fix that! Thanks!


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