
Monday, October 17, 2011

What a day!!!

I've really been struggling lately. I'm not able to share details, but I feel pretty wiped out from many different sides. It has been a really hard place to be.
It's also really hard to share my heart, yet at the same time, keep certain things private.
It's kind of...funny- no, that isn't the right word...strange to be in such chaos in some aspects of life, yet in other aspects experiencing peace and contentment. I've just tried to write what I'm trying to say at least four different times now, and nothing is coming out quite right.
I know God is with me. In fact, I think He is carrying me. And today was an all-around good day, despite the problems that remain.
There were several victories concerning one of my boys, which is a HUGE answer to prayer! I love that God delights in ALL the details, not just the big, obvious ones. Isabelle had a play date with a friend while I had a much-needed chat date with her Mom. It always feels so good to be heard, I mean really heard, doesn't it?

A wonderful phone call from another good friend, and a beautiful, brisk afternoon outside with my children and our neighborhood friends really made me smile. And be thankful.

We gathered leaves to stuff inside little "goats" to hang outside

Jonah enjoyed a game of Solitaire

I let Caleb have the camera- isn't this picture great!?!?!

cute little ghosts

such a big girl! Caleb took this one, too!

greeting Ethan after his school got out...I believe he had just called me a dork here because I snapped about 20 pictures right in his face at the time, ha! he says it in love, just like when I call him a dork or a moron or some other term of endearment. Hmm, that sounds awful, right? I promise, we're totally joking and laughing...

patting Bella the bull dog

football with friends

Jonah is the king of that rip stick thing! do your kids do that?

Oh, and I almost forgot!
I have a brand new niece! Congratulations Kristen (Bill's sister) and Rory!
Sweet little Naomi Louise, born yesterday on my Mom's birthday!- a whopping 15 days early! She's perfect!

I love my Mom so much! I hope she felt special and loved yesterday! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're going through tough times, but I'm glad you know God is with you. I think of you often and wish I felt more comfortable just picking up the phone and seeing if you wanted to get together instead of trying to plan it. I really want to hear more about the adoption plans, life with three boys and how you survive and also about the move. Think we can do it in October? Email me!


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