
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Festive Family Room & Fireplace

After the fall decorations left us for the season, I found myself staring down the large, barren, brown wall behind the fireplace without a clue what to do with it for Christmas. This is my very first year with a mantel (which I luuuuuve by the can read about our adventures in designing and constructing it here) but with it came an unexpected bit of anxiety about decorating it!

I began by tossing up some greenery, adding some candles and things and I really like the color and textures. I don't normally decorate with red in the family room...whoa! I know, I know. I'm a wild one.

I am still on the lookout for a giant old farmhouse picture window or frame to use as a backdrop, which one of my friends keeps finding for free at her local dump (we aren't allowed to pick through the dump in our town, shucks!)...maybe she will feel inspired to donate one to me after reading this. Hint hint.

While I would love to hang our stockings that my Mom knit us, I know I'd be forever dissuading the three felines in our home to leave them be. A battle I would lose for sure. So picture six gorgeous stockings hanging there....
 Looking in from our kitchen...
...and the picture windows overlooking our backyard

Here are the turkeys posing in front of the newly-decorated albeit rather homely Christmas tree, but that's another whole story.
At least our Christmas kiddos are cute!

Thanks for stopping in to visit & have a Merry Christmas!!!
Join the festivities by clicking below!!!

Southern Hospitality Merry Mantels!


  1. So pretty...sorry! Typing from my phone;)

  2. Your living room looks so cozy with the Christmas lights and fireplace!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!


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