
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Brand New Smile

My little boy's smile will never be the same! I am so excited for him because I want him to feel proud and happy with the way he looks, but at the same time, it feels like such a huge passage to adulthood and it's making me so aware of how quickly my Jonah is growing up.

This is the very last picture of Jonah with the smile I know, the one I adore and cherish!

Okay, so this is the very last one! I took it really fast as they were calling his name, so it's a bit of a miss, but I still like it!

I know braces are fairly common, but this is all new to me, and it feels like such a BIG deal!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it's a big deal all right!! I was dying with my boys. A year ago I took the oldest 12 yrs old to get checked for braces. The Ortho decided to check out my 8 year olds (totally jacked up bite) too, and determined he actually needed them worse than the older. So...they both got them! I'm such an awesome mom I totally forgot their apt last week which is crazy considering it was the apt. for my oldest to get his off!! Who forgets that!?!? :)


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