
Monday, January 30, 2012

Climbers and Piano-ists

Caleb wasn't feeling well this morning, so he stayed home from school.
He doesn't actually have specific symptoms, but sometimes you just need a day off.
He's playing the piano beside me, and it sounds really pretty, so I told him so.
He quickly answered, "Thanks. I think I wanna be a professional piano-ist now."
Usually it's a firefighter/Army man/pilot/doctor/missionary/basketball player/police officer.

Yesterday on the way to church, Isabelle pipes up from the back seat and asks me if I know what she wants to be when she grows up. Oddly enough, I have never asked her this, which makes me so sad, since I used to ask the boys All. The. Time.
She informs us that she is going to be a climber.
"A what?" we inquire.
"A climber, you know, trees and rocks and really high stuffs," she announces proudly.
Well alrighty then! You go girl! I just thought that was the funniest thing to say!

 I know I say {and think} this all the time, but I truly cannot believe
grow up.

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