
Friday, January 13, 2012


Yesterday was also a SNOW DAY! While I was writing, I was also snapping pictures of our day. I was totally lazy and didn't do anything I had planned to- I was going to clean, sew something for my etsy shop, play games with my kids, get started on a Valentine craft...all kinds of things, and I failed big time. But then after a late lunch, and Bill came home early, I got a little gumption and salvaged some things.

Lazy morning...

oh, and this boy shaved FOR REAL last weekend.
not happy about it.

 Valentine's crafts...

so this was technically this morning before school (and thankfully a 2-hour delay)
Caleb and I made brownies last night for a bake sale but they didn't turn out so hot

On a rather random note, I mentioned to Bill that I'd heard Twinkies are going to be no more, which of course, gave me a hankering for a Twinkie. Bill offered to pick me up a box on his way home, and while I was tempted to take him up on it, I graciously declined.

Then, last night, he said he needed to go out for a few minutes and would that be all right, and...he brought me Twinkies AND rented The Help for us to watch! (And Pepsi, since I'd craved that earlier this week.) Okay, now that I see my eating trends in black and white I think I should go run. Or hike. As in now, in the total dark, at 6:40 in the morning.

My husband is just full of surprises lately...he secretly put my name on the waiting list at the library for the book, The Help, and brought it home for me a couple weekends ago. It was a great book, but I'm a s-l-o-w reader and he knows I can't watch the movie before I finish the book, so....this is what he planned after I told him I'd finally finished reading! It made me feel really special.

And now, Caleb is leaning against my arm, petting two of the cats, who are laying by my legs, ha! I got The Call an hour ago that we have a delay this morning. That's a nice way to start a Friday!

And now, I'm off to do a little furniture rearranging...


  1. Love your new layout! I need something new, too!

  2. Sounds like a great way to spend a snow day! It would be great to have you join me at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. SO sweet of your hubby<3
    I enjoyed the book and the movie very much.


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