
Saturday, June 16, 2012

School's Out!

Yup, with hardly any snow this winter, school is out early this year! I took the brood to Newfound Lake for the day yesterday to celebrate- I even had my camera with me but I was too lazy having too much fun to take pictures with it. The water was so clear, the views so spectacular, and I loved laying around in the warm sand for the first time in many months. We also loved the fuzzy little ducklings that kept hanging out with us! There is just something irresistible about baby ducks, eek! :)
Of course I forgot half our lunch in the fridge, and the snack shop wasn't open takes me a few trips to get back in the groove of summer.

Baseball season is officially over. I'm proud of my boys, but the truth is, they had a lousy team and a coach who refused to actually, um, coach! It has little to do with wins and losses. It's just...well, it's over, and as my Mama taught me, if you have nothing good to say, then zip it. So I'm zippin'. Isabelle, on the other hand, had a WONDERFUL t-ball coach, and she had so much fun!

At least it's fun to goof around with the ump when it's your Dad!

Today we celebrated my niece's high school graduation, and it was such a beautiful day! It was also wonderful seeing my family under happier circumstances than the ones last week when we said goodbye to my uncle. Speaking of school, I am really proud of our boys for having such a great year and working so hard!

Jonah in the orchestra and band during the last school concert- his class did a fantastic job! He also sang in the chorus- he sings with gusto and I love it! He later told me that the boy behind him kept poking him hard in the back during the whole chorus part, but you'd never have known it by watching Jonah- he didn't draw attention to himself in any way, but I may have secretly wished he'd turned around and slugged the kid. Just a little. I have no tolerance for that kind of stuff, and I wish other parents felt the same way.

Bill got to chaperone Jonah's field trip to the Boston Museum of Science- that was a long day, but they had so much fun together! Bill filled in for me for Ethan's field trip when I was having those girl problems and couldn't go, so now it's sort of tradition that Dad goes with the boys on this trip. I think that's so neat!

We've had such beautiful weather in the evenings...I love times like these...

We also celebrated Bill's birthday, twice, ha!

I pinned a chocolate cake recipe for his party, and it did NOT disappoint! I'll have to share the recipe.
We called this Happy-Death-By-Chocolate Cake

I've been so fortunate to have some exciting business adventures with my nightgowns and these...

We're having a low-key kind of night now after being out of the house all day yesterday and today. We had our annual First Saturday of Summer dinner- yum! And now everyone is watching a movie in the other room, so I'm off!
What a great start to SUMMER 2012! Tomorrow we'll be making our Summer List!  =)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe school is out. Now 10 weeks of summer! I was thinking about your summer list the other day. Can't wait to see it! I'm sort of glad baseball is over too. It's been a long season, but a positive one even though we lost so many games. I'll be looking forward to reading along with your summer adventures.


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