
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Little Changes, Big Changes...

Blogger is being a hater this week. Ugh. So no pictures for today, or until I figure out if I'm going to now pay 2.49 per month for storage. I don't like it.

The humidity has finally broken this morning after a week of unbearable sticky heat. It feels SO good! I know other parts of the country are really suffering, but after our bedrooms reaching 85 degrees each night, and not sleeping any of those nights, nerves are slightly askew about now. I had to apologize to both Caleb and Isabelle this morning for being unkind and yelling at them last night. We all make mistakes. I wanted to right my mistake.

Earlier this week I met some friends at the lake and we had the most wonderful day! Then Bill and I were settling into Season 5 from FNL (Friday Night Lights) when my stomach got all wonky. As in, toss your cookies wonky. No fun! For the next hour, I ran back and forth to the bathroom, doubled over in pain. I'm sure Tami Taylor would've told me "to hang in there, y'all!" or some other perfect words of wisdom. This was doubly tragic since this was the second attempt at watching this particular episode- I'd fallen asleep halfway through it the first time, ha! Well, I'm happy to report that last night we made it through and even got to the next one.
Bill and I have gotten into the habit of saying "words" with a snicker when we think a scene break is going to be the end of the episode. I think it started when we watched the first season, and the shows were so good, I'd yell at the TV when the "words" appeared. "No words, no words!" I never wanted the show to end! I guess it kind of stuck.
Words.  =)
I have been without my van for over two weeks now. Bill's parents have been so generous to let us borrow their truck (for Bill) so I can use Bill's car, so we can actually leave the house. Yay for leaving the house! Three in the back are squished to say the least, but I am so proud of them for not complaining {too much} about it. We need a new van, but we had not planned on needing to buy another van just yet, so it's been very stressful.

The biggest change by far has been finding a new church. We had been feeling led to look for another place to worship for quite some time, but we kept resisting. It's one thing to visit churches without children, but with's not something we take lightly. We are SO thankful to have found a place that feels so right for us. It's more conservative, but there is such a genuine love for God and people, and there are so many wonderful activities for kids! That's something we'd been missing out on at our church. I'll be honest, it kills me that I'd been at our first church my whole entire life, and nobody even notices I've gone. Or that the kids have gone. Breaks my heart.
But we are excited about where God has brought us and we have a special fondness for the people there we've just begun to get to know. 

The big guys will be away at camp next week, so it will be just me and the youngies. Looking forward to some special activities with them, but boy will I miss Jonah and Ethan!

I think I'm about to embark on some sort of personal metamorphosis. Random, huh? I don't know exactly what, but something needs to change; or rather, some things need to change. I want to be...better.

Okay, for now better entails making my way to the grocery store because we are out of nearly everything!

1 comment:

  1. We too are enjoying this air change. Your post spoke to me when you mentioned changing churches. Some days I contemplate investigating other churches that are not Catholic and trying something new. It sounds like you stayed with your religion but a different church. Kudos for you for taking that leap of faith!


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