
Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Best of the Best This Week

Well, I know one thing that isn't the best: this durn pneumonia, which seems to have formed an attachment to me and won't go away. Tomorrow I have to go back to the doctor's {again}, but I'm very thankful for doctors and medicine when one needs it, and health insurance to boot.

But these things have just been the BEST!

Best laugh this week ~ listening to Caleb read through the states on the map and quiz Jonah on the capitals. The pronunciations that boy was coming up with were honest-to-goodness side-splitting, tears-rolling hi-lar-ious! My personal favorite? "Lowa"
Caleb had mistaken the "I" for an "L" HaHaHaHa

Best together time ~ taking my boys out in the kayaks, feeling that wonderful lake-breeze against our faces all the while

Best {ever} late-ish night snack ~ salt and pepper potato chips dipped in cottage cheese. So, so good. Deliriously good.

Best event ~ Ethan's birthday

Best Mother-of-the-Year Moment ~ this happened earlier today, at the beach, when Ethan matter-of-fact asked if I'd forgotten Isabelle's shirt in the bathroom, where we'd just changed.
'Why?' I snapped back, suddenly looking down at my little girl and realizing that I had just paraded her across the entire bathroom, changing area and back outside (where there were lots of people around!!!) in just her little underpants. I was so frazzled by the crowds and the heat, rushing to get back to the boys, perhaps hacking up a lung (or two) that I completely neglected to hand her her dress before we marched on outta there, and I didn't even notice. (I'm used to seeing her in her skivvies I guess!) Poor baby! She started crying, she was so frustrated and embarrassed. I felt bad.  :(  Bad Mommy.

Best winding down time ~ snuggling on the bed while the boys take turns reading me stories.

Best spiritual moment ~ listening to someone at our new church pray and literally feeling God's presence right there with me, as if He were gently whispering in my ear, touching my soul. And then, as if knowing, Bill reached over and took hold of my hand. It doesn't get much more powerful than that.

Best victory this week ~ staring down dessert and not having any. And the few indulgences I did have were truly savored. Big difference. And it's so much harder than I ever imagined it to be, and it makes me feel pitiful and weak. And too big.

Best day-trip ~ to the beach, baby!

Here are some pics I snapped today while we played:

 normally I discourage sand-throwing, but Ethan was asking for it, and no one else was close by

 these two...growing gills for sure!

 this one? definitely 13!!!!

I loved how all four ended up near each other, just playing around as the tide rushed in

Now I've got to go...there's a big party happening here this weekend...

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