
Saturday, September 15, 2012

This and That

Right now one of those horrid commercials detailing animal abuse is blaring in the background and I'm begging Bill to turn it because I just can't stand it. Soooo sad.
We have had such a busy week {yet again} between soccer practices, soccer games, school stuff, church stuff, and life in general. I blinked and then it was Friday! Which was awesome, not only because Fridays are awesome, but because I got to meet some of my best friends from my old 'hood for lunch downtown. It felt so good to catch up!
House hunting is not for the faint of heart. That's all I've got to say about that right now.
But God is good, and from the mouth of Coach Taylor (no, not that Coach Taylor...the one from Facing the Giants...), "We'll praise God if we win, and we'll praise Him if we lose."
That's really how it feels, like winning and losing. And it's hard to be thankful when my circumstances seem uncertain. I want to have that peace and joy that transcend circumstance. I want to trust God fully.

Here are a few fun pics from our week ~
On our way to wish Auntie Kristen a Happy Birthday on Tuesday

This was a bit of a surprise to come home to, ha ha!
Yes, that is Ethan up on the roof cutting branches


This looked so cute I had to snap a picture

Ethan is a hard worker!
He had several jobs this summer mowing lawns, and even staining a whole deck!
How horribly sad that my kid has more cash than I do, ha!

Caleb on the sidelines at one of several soccer games this week

Isabelle has been quite a little mother lately
I was hanging clothes on the line while she was teaching her babies manners  =)

This is one chore I never complain about!
Look at that view!
In another week or two, everything will have transformed into vibrant reds, yellows and oranges-
Autumn in New England is amazing!
It almost makes up for the months we endure when it's dark at 4:30 pm...

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