
Friday, October 5, 2012

Making a House Your Home {Even When I'ts Not}

So yesterday's post was a serious one, something I've been praying a lot about.

Today's post is all about home. And fun stuff.

If you've been reading along, you will know that we sold our house back in August and have been living in Bill's grandparent's house, with Bill's parents. We each have our own "side" so it really does feel like more like our space. One of the things I do that helps to make it feel more like home is by using my favorite linen spray {generously...& often} .

I spray the shower curtains, couches, pillows, throw blankets, even the floor rugs! The only thing off-limits are our bed pillows and sheets because they bother a certain someone who shall remain nameless. And it isn't me.  =)

This is Sweet Peony, but my other go-to is Soft Rose Petal.
Don't they sound delicious?

When I'm really missing our home, I can close my eyes, inhale, and it feels like home. Just for a few minutes, but I'll take it.

The power of scent is truly amazing!

However, that can work both ways.

Unfortunately, some little mouse or chipmunk has perished around here.

As in, in the walls.

Wow. Just wow.

My eyes are burning just thinking about how horrible it smells! Not even my sweet little house spray can touch that stench, ha! Thankfully it's on the other side of the house, and I can spray away till my heart's content over here.

Have you ever used a linen spray?
Total topic change here...
My Dad asked me to bring the kiddos to McDonald's this morning for breakfast- Thanks Dad!- since there was no school today. Then we headed over to their house to visit with their new kitty, Louie. I think poor Louie was a teensy bit overwhelmed by us.

This was the best I could do...

Here is the first attempt, ha!

Little Louie found a safe spot in Jonah's arms

Beauty Parlor and Snuggle time with Mimi
Yup, that is a ginormous giraffe neck you see in the background. Don't ask.

Aah, the sun! We haven't see the sun in over 9 NINE nueve days!
 Aren't those rays beautiful?

Happy Friday!


  1. Happy Friday to you!! Looks like a fun day :) I was happy to see the sun today as well. Tooooooo much rain and tooooo many clouds.

    Thanks for linking up :)

  2. The pictures are great! The kids look very content to be visiting the grandparents. : ) And the sun looks great!! I'm following you w/GFC now.

  3. thanks for linking up for the aloha friday hop :)

  4. I've never used linen spray but now I'm intrigued!!! I just saw your tab about Guatemala... I'm headed there next (just got back from a week there myself... + ready to return!)
    thanks for sharing with our Heart+Home link up!


Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day. :)