
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In the past 24 hours I've...

Every now and then I like to record all the things that make up a day in my life as a wife and Mom to my 13-, 12-, 10- and 6-years-old crew. I will probably faint from excitement by the end! Here we go, and in no particular order.

In the past 24 hours I've...

  • reorganized 3 sets of bureau drawers
  • used a plunger (ewwwwww! just ew!)
  • listened to a handsome boy's music
  • completed 6 loads of laundry AND put away all 6 loads
  • swapped out winter clothes for summer ones
  • taken 8 walks (and only one was the I've-got-to-get-out-of-here  kind!)
  • played fetch with the dog
  • watched Isabelle zip up and down the street
  • dismantled 1/4 of the new rock wall
  • tripped over both a large and small rock (while dismantling said rock wall)
  • spackled nail holes in the wall
  • edited pictures for the yet-to-be-painted frames hanging in the family room
  • worked on a new tutorial for a little girl's nightgown
  • asked a friend for a favor
  • read a few chapters in a library book (that I noticed on the shelf and got because the author's name is also Bethany)
  • wished I had my piano here (soon!)
  • watched Dora
  • chatted with neighbors
  • pampered a sick child
  • got groceries in record time
  • still not put away all the groceries
  • smiled at cute pigtails
  • made fruit salad for the kids' school snack
  • reorganized my closet
  • dug holes in front of the house
  • taken away privileges for poor behavior
  • calmed down Ryder as the Kindergarten bus approached (every.single.time)
  • danced up and down over some new seedlings that sprouted
  • resisted the urge to buy another plant/flowers (mostly because I had to rush home to sick Caleb)
  • watched Isabelle tumble, cartwheel and flip
  • had the most fun chatting with the other gymnastic Moms!
  • {finally} hung up some of Isabelle's things from our old house
  • decided to take the plunge and try to make Hushpuppies (out of my Laura Ingalls Wilder cookbook!)
  • ate my Mother's Day M&Ms (small bag, people!)
  • held hands with the one I love
  • seen Robert Downey Jr pretend to pee in his Ironman suit
  • enjoyed a leg/foot massage by not one but two children!
  • helped a friend with a favor
  • finished an order for 3 matching nightgowns...eek! So cute!
  • done 5+ tick checks (only one found, but not embedded...still so gross!)
  • met a filmmaker at the pond (that outta-here walk) and discussed the Northern Pass
  • giggled watching Isabelle helping me fold towels and washcloths
  • made 3 lists
  • spoke harshly with a child but later shared a sweet moment together
  • prayed for my friends, family, and a few people I'll never know but read their stories and felt compelled to pray
  • asked God for help and thanked Him for my life

(sorry about the watermark - I've recently seen some pictures of Isabelle online and it really creeps me out)

What did your day look like?
Hope it was a great one!

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day. :)