
Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer's Last Hurrah

And it has been a good one. We're heading to the beach today with my mother and doing a few other fun things this last week, so technically, it's more like an extended h-uuuuu-rrrr-aaaa-hhh. Fine with me. Aren't the scenic photos so beautiful? We visited a state park on the outskirts of the White Mountains Region and it was breathtakingly stunning. I regretted that we'd never been until now! It was super windy so it was one of those times when you're warmer when you stay in the water. Generally not a problem for three out of my four. Well, and the Mama Fish. I love that they take after me.  :)

There has also been much designing and sewing, cooking and baking, finishing up projects and starting new ones, and power nesting. Seriously. I want this house spotless and baby-ready for when we get The Call. As I look around me this early morning, it would seem that nighttime bandits have dropped by and hosted themselves a little party. I'd blame it on my children,'s totally me! Sewing is messy, ha! The bonnets above were for a customer- so cute!- and the glimpse of eyelet is all mine. I made a pink and white checkered gingham bonnet with lace as well. Size newborn. SQUEAL! Isabelle and I are in heaven dreaming and planning. I threw in a photo from Ethan's birthday party 13 days's such an accurate portrayal of life here. Lots of movement and noise, chaos at times, but lots of love too. Lately I look at them and truly marvel at how blessed I have been. They are all such unique, beautiful, wonderful human beings, and they are mine! Okay, I hear way too much noise upstairs, and the bickering is probably not too far off- sappy moment over. For the time being.  =)

Jonah is so funny sometimes. He was modeling his new suit for me with a twinkle in his eyes. "I look good," he kept saying. He sure does! I know what the three younger ones will be wearing for the first week of school, but not Ethan. The boy is picky. Picky! It may come as a surprise to him that I am not planning on washing his clothes every three days because he refuses nearly everything I get him and literally has three days' worth of outfits. He's been in a shirtless phase, gah, but I think he does know he's going to have put on a shirt for school. One can only hope... Ethan has soccer try-outs all week long. My son, a high school soccer player! I can hardly believe it!

Lots of fun stuff to do today...better get to it! Happy Monday!

ps- thank you a million times over for praying for our family and this adoption! and thank you for your support with my little Etsy shop- you are wonderful!

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