
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Peasant Dresses & Matching Bonnets!

I can't quite wrap my mind about it being Wednesday already...I sure have enjoyed the past two days of quiet in the house, running errands solo, pretty much doing whatever I feel like doing whenever I want. I'm thinking of it as a nice little break before Baby Girl arrives, whenever that may be.  :) I had the best intentions of getting some fall decorations out, but before I add stuff I need to get a handle on what's already out, ya know? The piles of fabric in my neck of the woods are taking on a life of their own, and while Bill is kind and doesn't complain, I think it irks him.

Ethan has his first away game today and I can't go. I'm generally not one of those bragging Moms, but I will mention that he was the only freshman who played the entire game last week. Cool! I just love watching him (and all our kids) play! So I'm off to pick up Caleb and Isabelle, and then head across town for Jonah, because Bill is driving to the away game after work. It will be one of those "Hi, how are you...See you later" kind of nights because we'll be leaving for church around the time they get back. Just as long as we don't have too many of those...

Okay, before I scoot, here are the latest things from the shop. Wanna see? I just adore them! I'm still thinking of a new shop name but nothing sticks out right now. Ugh. Thanks for looking...have a great afternoon!

Okay, super annoying...I can't seem to upload any photos at the moment, so...go on over to the shop to have a peek!  =)

**edited Wednesday p.m.**

Whoops! I totally spaced it and forgot to mention a big milestone for our family today... 5 years ago tonight Daddy and I flew HOME with Isabelle and our little family once again all slept under the same roof! Happy Welcome Home Anniversary to us!  =)

Aaaaaaannnnnnddd, edited once again, to include pictures of the dresses and bonnets. I just think they are the sweetest little things! Hope you do too!  :)
You can find them listed in my shop here and here...thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I love your new sets! I made a matching dress/bonnet set the other week- I am hoping to get pics and post about it today!


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