
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

I couldn't let 11/12/13 pass without its due accolades! And I can't believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner...and then CHRISTMAS! Where has the time gone???

Poor Ethan still can't make it through an entire day at school, so there's a ton of driving back and forth across town. And waiting. Lots of waiting around. But I really do love having him around during the day, so it's totally worth it.

Overall, today was a productive, happy day. I woke up early as usual and saw Bill off, and then did a few things I've been neglecting lately, things that make a world of difference in my well-being: I stretched. Like, really stretched. Took my time and focused on each muscle, each breath, and the most wonderful feeling of gratefulness and peace swept through me. Then I read from my devotional book, craving and savoring Truth. Reflecting and letting go. I refused to turn on the computer to check this or that, and instead, I got lunches and snacks all ready to go, cut out some fabric for pajamas, tidied up a bit, and was generally just a more pleasant Mom during the breakfast shift. I even had enough time to make apple pancakes (and they came out just the way we love them- that perfect crispness on the outside and fluffy, nearly-gooey insides)!

I had a decorating committee meeting at church about an hour after dropping Jonah off there for school, so I laced up the sneaks and managed to get in 4.5 miles during that time. Nice! Granted, it was absolutely freezing cold and my nose was like a faucet for our meeting, but it felt so great to have gotten all this accomplished by 9 am! More sewing sewing sewing, and I've got a little something exciting going on with my shop this week! It just happened to be the perfect kind of day for the ever-wonderful Beef Stew, which translates to: it was like Antarctica outside, and it was all I had in the fridge. =)

Those first choices really do set the tone for the entire morning, which in turn, sets the tone for the entire day. Believe me, I know all too well those harried days when lunches are thrown together in between arguing matches and harsh, snapping words, and though we barely make it out the door, there is anger, hurt, and tears. Oh the tears!. 99% of the time, it's because I didn't choose to manage my time well. What a difference!

Pretty flowers help, too.  =)

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even notice the date, but we had your apple pancakes yesterday, too!

    I am glad that I am not the only one. I find that I mess up our mornings way too often, thought it has been much better this year. I am getting someone else's kid on the bus so I have to have my act together.


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