Hey strangers, did you miss me? =) The past two weeks have been an explosion of parties, family & friends, and excited little kids. Bigger kids, too, truth be told. Ha! My mind is absolute mush right now so this may just be the most jumping-around post of all time!
My baby boy Caleb is now eleven, and apparently eleven-year-olds no longer wish to have a major presence on the ol' family blog. There may be one or two photos of that handsome fellow from both his school concert and the Christmas play at church- he was one of the narrators and he spoke so clearly and expressively...I was super proud of him! I was also incredibly proud of Isabelle Kate, who, this year, was not so apt to turn around on stage and glare at her classmates and fidget with her headband the whole time! She sang her little heart out, smiled, and paid attention to her teacher. Phew!
Someone went and turned seven. Even though I pretty much forbade it.
I found out that cake sugar crystals make a pretty decent substitute for actual glitter, in case anyone was wondering.
And I may have burned off a fingerprint or two with all the hot-gluing around here lately.
If you'd like, you can read about the Birthday Brooch here, and the cute Reindeer Barrette/Clip here.
ps- stop by and say hello! I'm soooo excited because I got my very first wonderful follower today! Thank you very much, Martha! ;)
The hubs pulls me over to the French door the other night to show me this- I had no idea she'd made a little snowman! Just about the cutest thing in the world!
Caleb plays so beautifully! He did a fantastic job!
Jonah had his school concert today- and in no uncertain terms am I to dare post a picture of him- and I can't even tell you how amazingly moving and beautiful the whole concert was! So, so good! (I do post lots of pics on Instagram if you're curious- you can find me at roseruffleco)
I haven't finished writing the tutorial yet, so...yeah.
I just have to include this, but nobody tell Ethan because then he will be really, really mad at me, which I cannot take! This is my life, folks. Every.Single.Day. =)
One very last thing, on a deeper level: if you've been reading for a while, then you already know that we are adopting again, and that things have not gone smoothly at all so far. We know it is all in God's hands, and we trust in His timing, but there is something going on, like, RIGHT NOW, and I know everyone is so busy with Christmas, but if you could keep us in your prayers this weekend, we would be eternally grateful. Thank you so much! Blessings to you all!
My baby boy Caleb is now eleven, and apparently eleven-year-olds no longer wish to have a major presence on the ol' family blog. There may be one or two photos of that handsome fellow from both his school concert and the Christmas play at church- he was one of the narrators and he spoke so clearly and expressively...I was super proud of him! I was also incredibly proud of Isabelle Kate, who, this year, was not so apt to turn around on stage and glare at her classmates and fidget with her headband the whole time! She sang her little heart out, smiled, and paid attention to her teacher. Phew!
Someone went and turned seven. Even though I pretty much forbade it.
I found out that cake sugar crystals make a pretty decent substitute for actual glitter, in case anyone was wondering.
And I may have burned off a fingerprint or two with all the hot-gluing around here lately.
If you'd like, you can read about the Birthday Brooch here, and the cute Reindeer Barrette/Clip here.
ps- stop by and say hello! I'm soooo excited because I got my very first wonderful follower today! Thank you very much, Martha! ;)
The hubs pulls me over to the French door the other night to show me this- I had no idea she'd made a little snowman! Just about the cutest thing in the world!
Caleb plays so beautifully! He did a fantastic job!
Jonah had his school concert today- and in no uncertain terms am I to dare post a picture of him- and I can't even tell you how amazingly moving and beautiful the whole concert was! So, so good! (I do post lots of pics on Instagram if you're curious- you can find me at roseruffleco)
I haven't finished writing the tutorial yet, so...yeah.
I just have to include this, but nobody tell Ethan because then he will be really, really mad at me, which I cannot take! This is my life, folks. Every.Single.Day. =)
One very last thing, on a deeper level: if you've been reading for a while, then you already know that we are adopting again, and that things have not gone smoothly at all so far. We know it is all in God's hands, and we trust in His timing, but there is something going on, like, RIGHT NOW, and I know everyone is so busy with Christmas, but if you could keep us in your prayers this weekend, we would be eternally grateful. Thank you so much! Blessings to you all!
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
Praying!!! xoxo