
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cute Things from Isabelle & a Home Office Sneak Peak

This week has been one ginormous UP and DOWN, with the weather, with moods and temperaments, life things, school things....ahh, you name it, and we've had a high and a low about it this week!

One of the highs was hosting a brunch yesterday, and then visiting with other friends later in the day, and then... getting to watch Ethan play soccer for the first time since October! It would have been completely awesome had it not been for my lurching-to-my-throat heart every time another player got even the slightest bit aggressive with him. Or the ball flew past his head. Or pretty much anytime he left the sidelines. (Ethan is our oldest son who suffered a severe concussion in October than landed him an overnight in the hospital, and then months and months of physical and neurological therapy, in case you're new and don't know- he's much better now!)

Isabelle is that gloriously fun age where she's trying to understand everything, so she asks lots of questions. Lots. Of. Questions.

Lately she has been trying to wrap her brain around what's real and what isn't. Disney makes this no easy task, ha!

She is completely baffled about the notion of  "actual, real, live people" when Anna ecstatically sings about the big party because she can't fathom how the two belong together in the movie. Because, after all, she informs me time and time again that there were actually no real, live people in it. Ha Ha

One other day, totally out of the blue, she asked me how Flynn Rider and Rapunzel could be singing their song with their "mouthas" closed. That one took me a second, because I hadn't remembered; but she's right, they aren't singing at first. Try explaining that one. Background music and voice-overs didn't seem to be the thrilling answers she was hoping for, not that she got what I was saying in the first place.  ;)

And then, the instant the van stopped in the garage after gymnastics practice Thursday afternoon, she pops out of her seat and squishes her face against my cheek, raspy-voiced and whispering, "I think you broke my smolder."  I nearly died. But wait, it gets even better... she backs up and tells me to watch her "smolder" as she proceeds to wrinkle up her face and smirk her little lips, and then tilt her head to the side. That's when her very-high gymnastics ponytail smacks my right eye, and now we're both dying. Such a funny, endearing little moment- I don't ever want to forget it.

This picture popped up for some reason the other day when I was going through some other albums- cutest thing ever! That grin, those curls, that adorable little dented chin. I love it all!

As for the office, I've made a few subtle changes. There is quite the explosion of color from all the fabrics that are folded on shelves (and generally spilling out from baskets, across the ironing board, and all over my sewing machine), so I've made things a bit more neutral on the office side of the room. This is just a little sneak peak...

I might even have some updated kitchen photos to share soon. I'm sure you can hardly wait.  =)

I hear the weather may get warmer today so we'll be heading outside for sure! Have a great weekend!

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