
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Trip to the Stone Zoo

I can't believe we're at Week Two already! Isabelle adores her teacher, and there are so many interesting things I'm doing with the boys right now, I truly do wake up excited about what each day has in store for us.

A few weeks ago, when Ethan was playing soccer with the Big Boys at a local college, we revisited the Stone Zoo in Stoneham, MA. It's really small, but the people there are extremely knowledgeable and you can tell how much they love all of "their" animals. That makes such a difference to me. It was threatening rain, which made me a little nervous- just because it makes walking around outside with a camera not so much fun- but we risked it and it worked out just fine. Whew! It was also special to me because I remember the first time we went there about five years ago- one of our very first outings as a family of six! Seems like it was just last week and a whole lifetime ago all at the same time.

Look how tiny they are!!

I remember it all like it was just yesterday!

It's so funny those things we remember, but I specifically remember that these were the very last set of matching outfits that my boys wore. I had purchased a nice trio of polo shirts from Gymboree for them for that fall, but they went and grew, and then the sizes weren't right. And by that point, they weren't really interested in matching anymore. Well, they may not have matched, but they stayed coordinated, let me tell you.  ;)

They were so sweet to do this for me...
5 years later

Okay, so Jonah and Caleb are on opposite sides. No worries!
This photo is probably more telling of how they really felt about this. ha ha

They had a hard time dragging me away from the big cats.
I love me some big cats.

This little cutie kept coming over to my little cutie, trying to get her attention. It was so funny!

We liked the bird husband was asked to be a volunteer, and one of the birds retrieved a soda can from him to go toss in the recycle box. HA

These guys are so majestic and powerful looking as they soar overhead. Up close, I think they're just kind of creepy.

Like a mad scientist or something. Well, I wouldn't want to get in his way.

You gotta have the ol' flamingo pic. Apparently my children know how this works, and I do not. You really have to stick your face in there!

More kitties.

Oh, this cat kept ogling me. She liked me. A lot.  =)

This handsome fella was completely bored with his admirers. Or simply making fun of them by sticking out his tongue every few minutes.

 This guy came over to say hello.

Look how much bigger they all are! Not fair! Where did my babies go?!?!?

Aaaaaaand, back to the big cats. There were two in here, and they kept pouncing on each other, and then one would rub all over this log. And of course the other would have to come and rub all over it to replace the scent. Back and forth they went- it was so cute! They are absolutely gorgeous in person! Breaks my heart to think of all these beautiful animals being killed for their coats. Just say no to fur!!!

Okay, the morning is marching on and I've got a healthy breakfast to make...I've also got my hands on a new health/nutrition book which has been making me feel great, so I'll share about that soon. Have a great day!!

If you want to see what I'm up to on a more regular basis, you can find me on instagram HERE.  =)

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