
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I'm thankful for...

...all of it.

I'm thankful to God, and I pray each night with my children about how much He loves us, and how much He wants us to share His love with the whole world. It may be a simple children's song, but Jesus loves you! He does!

I'm thankful for family and friends, thankful for all the fun things we do together. I'm thankful for traditions as well as new experiences, for our health and our home. I'm grateful that when I turn on the faucet, I get hot water with ease, I have a reliable van to get us where we need to go. All of it.

I know life can be painful, and trials can be so, so difficult, but I am exceedingly thankful that I am never alone. No matter the circumstances, I can trust God with every single detail of my life.

I'm thankful for the people in my life who help me to live it well.

Now, on a lighter note... we got our first snow of the year today, so much that the boys are outside right now shoveling and snow-blowing. The girls are inside, nice and warm, and I've got a Pumpkin Pecan Pie in the oven. Confession time: I was pretty prideful of my nice crust, which for me, is still such a huge deal! Well, you know what they say about pride. 

Or in this case, pride cometh before the pie crust fall. 

It caved in, collapsed. As in, swallowed up by the pie contents. How in the world?!? 

And then, wouldn't you know it, the power blinked out for several minutes. Normally I wouldn't exactly be thankful for such a thing on a dark, cold night, BUT it does make for a lovely excuse reason as to the fateful pie crust collapse.

In everything, give thanks.  ;)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, however you are celebrating!

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