
Sunday, January 4, 2015


Truth be told, I don't really like New Year's. To me, it sneaks up on me like a big fat reminder of all the things I had wanted to do in the past year, and now there is literally one day in which to cross them off the list. Don't like that kind of pressure, folks. It's weird, I know. Most people look forward to a brand new year with great anticipation of what's to come, and I really wish I did too, instead of sort of dreading it.

Being sick for the past two weeks probably hasn't helped much, either. Plus the fact that this has been the darkest fall/early winter in the history of fall and early winters. We need the ssssuuuuuuuunnnnnnn!

Anyhoo. The sun finally did appear and it was glorious. We've also enjoyed some really fun family time, and tried to make those not-so-fun times salvageable. Life is hard. Parenting is hard. Relationships in general, hard. Balancing budgets, planning millions of meals, cooking millions of meals, learning, growing, challenging, all of it...just plain hard at times. But there's love and there's grace, and I'm so thankful for it. The pictures above don't reflect many, or any, of those difficult aspects of our life, and it feels good to look through them all and smile. We aren't rich and we don't have fancy vacations and goodness gracious do we have our issues, but we sure do live. And I am so grateful to be a family.

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