
Friday, February 13, 2015


It's Friday! It's Friday! It's FRI-DAY!!! I'm supposed to be doing about a million things but instead I'm sitting here, entranced by pictures of my babies over the past several Valentine's Days/weeks. This has been a rough week, but I don't want to wallow. I found this fun Friday Favorites link-up and thought I'd kind of force myself to join in the fun because I do know how incredibly blessed I am, even when things don't go the way I want them to, and life feels chaotic and overwhelming.

Since I mentioned my babies and Valentine's Day- two of my favorite things- here are a few of my favorite pics of us that commemorate the two.

And you've got to have fabulous Valentine's Day treats!

Even my nails got a little love this week with my favorite creamy-pink color! (I'm almost sorry for sharing that since I know I don't have very pretty hands or fingers, ha!)

Now I'm off. For reals. It's almost time to pick up my part-time schooler, and Ethan is feeling super lousy and in need of a little TLC. Don't have to ask me twice! Have a great day, and a fabulous Valentine's weekend!

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