
Monday, May 18, 2015


There is life in the garden again, colors bursting forth and leaves gently unfurling. Every single year, no matter how old I get, I get so excited about all the things popping up in the gardens, the blossoms on the trees, the scent of lilac and crab apple dancing in the warming air.

And baseball season. The games are long, somewhat tedious, and there are a lot of them! But I just love it. I love watching Caleb, who, last year, struggled with such awful, mean-spirited coaches, grow in confidence with new encouraging coaches this year, and just have fun with the game again. It has always been his favorite, and it once again brings a smile to his face. I couldn't ask for anything more as a parent. And he homered a few days ago, which of course, was super thrilling to all of us.

Ethan has been hard at work completing the last of his classes to bring him, officially, back on track with his original class. Don't make me say that he is going to be a junior in high school this fall because that will simply melt me into a puddle on the floor. So I won't say it. Or think it.  =) He's also been studying and memorizing scripture for his upcoming counselor-in-training program at a local Christian summer camp. He has been an effortless leader in his entire life, and we're excited for him as he experiences what things God may be calling him to in the (near) future.

Oops! I see it's already later than I'd thought, and here I am, all weepy over my baby boy growing up. This thing we call parenthood is so, so hard, but in ways I'd never imagined. The most precious, beautiful but soul-agonizing journey I'll ever take. It's nice to know we're not alone. Hope you have some beautiful moments in your day today!

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