It's not very light out at 4:28 am, which is when I started the laundry and changed some bed sheets. This is Ethan's room downstairs...good thing Diego has his heat lamp on! ha ha
Working on a baby shower gift, which I meant to make earlier in the week and just forgot.
I looked over and saw this guy. My faithful sewing companion. ;)
Such a love bug!
By now the sun was shining brightly and I headed outside to water some things.
I'm really excited about these little garden beds beside our garage. I asked the boys to bring me back some bamboo shoots from their trip to Maine so I can make some arbor/teepee stands to support the sweet peas and beans.
First load of laundry done and hanging out to dry.
As I walked past this area in our yard, I remembered that I'd been planning on pulling out some of those ferns. I love them, but boy do they get invasive! So I yanked some out...much better!
They're growing! I made the cardinal mistake of not labeling my stuff, and now I really can't tell what's what. Oops. I'm also having a hard time telling weeds from actual plants, so...double oops.
Sunshine woke up and got to her job right away.
In between watering and dead-heading, she got distracted by some of the petunia flowers that hadn't shriveled up and was having a grand old time "painting" the deck rails with them in the little puddles of morning dew.
And we're off!
But we didn't get very far. Construction, heavy traffic, not fun. I let her watch a movie so she couldn't have cared less.
I wish I'd written the year...oh well.
My pretty girl. She was thrilled to have me all to herself. She had a whole itinerary of things for us to do, and it was no joke. She's an extreme task manager. Wonder where she gets that from...
I forgot our beach umbrella so we improvised. How MacGyveriffic of us.
Wild and free!
Once home, I got all the deets from my boys about their trip. Then I finished sewing and packaged this up. Everything about this had me itching for babies. Just bring me all the babies.
Cooking salmon and steaming carrots while finishing up the gift...
If you can't tell, she did not find out the gender- I think this turned out so cute.
Just a pretty closeup.
Then this cornbread was ready to come out of the oven, which was fortunate, since I had just one egg in the fridge, and virtually nothing else... (During this time I was also getting ready for the shower and having a
He was extremely active and didn't understand that I wanted to get a good photo of him. Silly snake. Even if he makes you a bit squeamish, aren't his colors so pretty?
I brought Isabelle to the baby shower and she had so much fun with two of her friends from church. It was such a nice evening. (I thought posting pictures from someone else's home was kind of strange...and it is a beautiful home!)
I ended the night by putting in some of the boys' incredibly foul-smelling laundry, chatting with my man, and reading a little before hitting the hay. It was a really fun, productive day. I forget how much I get accomplished in the early morning hours when I'm not fooling around on the computer- it might be time for more mornings like those! And now, after a before-7am trip to the grocery store in the pouring rain, and then a french toast and eggs breakfast, I'm about to bring Isabelle to a friend's house. Have a great Friday!
Oh, I just posted a little preview of my current handmade favorites for Isabelle over on my sewing blog. I also promised some upcoming tutorials and tips, so be sure to check back for those!
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