
Friday, June 12, 2015


Fridays always feel sooooo good! This is the last Friday of the school year for a couple of my kiddos...on the home stretch now! Today I'm joining in the fun with Friday Favorites with Erika, Narci and Andrea . Hello if you're visiting for the first time!  =)

Here are my current favorites:

I love spending time alone with my husband. We're busy parents just like everybody else, but this year we seem to really be feeling it. Must be getting old! So I planned a little getaway for my birthday man and me up to the coast of Maine. It was fabulous!

First we stopped in a little town called Dover, NH, near Portsmouth, and walked all around. Which, by the way, is SO fun when you are alone and can do whatever you want. Just saying.  =) Then we enjoyed a picnic lunch in a park by the river.
Those kids you see in the background...we watched them pick our wrappers out of the trash and eat the crumbs and such. They ate it. No, I mean, they ATE it. Clearly I cannot wrap my head around this, because they were obviously not in dire need of food or money- it costs a fortune to look all vagabond and artsy like that! Is it just a phase? I sure hope so.

I was really happy with the balcony off our room- so pretty!

Hmm, someone looks just a bit giddy in this photo!

Then we headed up to Perkins Cove and walked along the Marginal Way. It was a picture perfect day! Sunshine, ocean and roses- it just doesn't get any better than that. Then of course my stomach doubled up and I needed to find a bathroom asap. Lovely, right? Thankfully everything settled after a little while relaxing back at the inn, and then we enjoyed rustic garden pizza on a heated deck, which was so awesome I can't even begin to describe it. The deck, not the pizza- that was good, not great. The raspberry chocolate torte? Now that was great! 

 Oops! My handsome man right there on the day before the big day!
 That's better.
I told Bill I got us matching Corvettes for his birthday. Wouldn't you know he didn't even believe me! I'm telling you, it took every ounce of restraint in me not to hop into the seat of that car! I think my man would have just kept on walking and pretended not to know the crazy lady being whisked off to jail.

On Monday, my husband's actual birthday, we lingered at the inn. It just felt so, so good not to be up and at 'em by 4:40 am, not listening to bickering, not having to make breakfast, pack anything... just be! We headed back down the coast into NH and strolled along the sea, one of our favorite things to do.

And then we rushed home because Caleb had a play-off game and Isabelle had a dress rehearsal. At the same time, of course, ha!

I just looooove heading to the field and watching this boy of mine play ball. What a great season! I'm really thankful for supportive and encouraging coaches, unlike last year-what a difference a good coach makes.

This was at the baseball parade last weekend...each child's name is announced and then the teams run out onto the field. They have the older kids out there first so they can high five the younger ones running by. It is just about the cutest thing ever.

Posing with me after the parade...and some of my favorite pics of this season...
(I haven't been sleeping well lately, not that it shows or anything. Maybe I should start wearing make-up!)

We finally made it to the game! Obviously Isabelle was relieved because she was just so eager to watch yet another baseball game. HA Love that all our kiddos are such readers.

She isn't sleeping here, but she sure was tuckered out. Good thing Daddy's got strong arms and a cuddly neck.  =)

Here's a quick pic of dress rehearsal. It was crazy loud. Well, it was just plain crazy. She did such a good job! Sunday is the big day!


Caleb's team won the first Playoff game 12-1 but came in second for the last game (4-1). What an accomplishment! So proud of earning another trophy!

And right now, I'm loving that this coffee cake is in the oven- it makes your house smell so yummy while it bakes! We're bringing it in for a little breakfast party that Isabelle's class is having this morning.  =)

#4 - MEMORIZING SCRIPTURE (and pancakes!)
Some friends and I are challenging ourselves to memorize Romans 8 over the summer. It feels like a huge undertaking but I'm so glad we're doing it. One of my friends even created a facebook group for us so we can encourage one another- love that!

Cooking with fresh herbs is the best! I've also got lots of sprouts coming up in the different garden beds that I'm super excited about. Now if I can just keep them alive, and keep critters out...

I'm not actually labeling this a favorite anything, but it sure made me laugh. Or cry. Ethan snapped this while I was driving... someone... to school. Normally our bed is made by the time I leave for the first school drop off, but I guess I was running a bit late here. Ha Ha I'm guessing from the looks of it, I must have tossed off that nightgown in an awful hurry, but Ryder doesn't seem to mind. Apparently the person with whom I share a room has a serious aversion to neat piles of books and closing the drawer. Notice I'm not sharing my side, so I probably shouldn't be complaining too much! Rough life, Ryder!

One last thing: as I was writing about our weekend getaway, I realized that I was complaining about some of those menial tasks we mothers have to do, and I know that some of you would give anything in this whole world to experience some of those menial things. While taking a break from being on-call as a Mom is nice, I understand that there are so many women who just long to be mothers, and I would never want to minimize your heartache by complaining. I know I am privileged to be a mother and even take it for granted sometimes. If you're new here, please know that I am no stranger to loss- biological or adoptive- and I understand that pain. You can read about our adoption journey in the posts labeled "adoption."

May the word of God fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

I don't have answers or reasons why things happen and why they don't, but I do fully trust the One who does have the answers. I hope these verses speak to you as they have to me because I'm hurting, too. I hope you have a really great weekend no matter what you've got going on.

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