
Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Favorites

I am so glad it's Friday! It's been a whirlwind of a week with one wisdom teeth surgery recovery, one soccer state championship ring ceremony, lessons, gymnastics, Civil Air Patrol duties, the usual cooking and cleaning...and then the nesting that's hitting full force!!, working on a baby registry- squeal!!!, and it's Valentine's Day this weekend!

Here are some of my favorites lately:

 the ever-growing bump. honestly, some days are harder than others, but i do not want to take any of it for granted. we are healthy and well...and down to 7 1/2 weeks!!!

waiting around at someone's lesson/sporting event/school thing, just feeling so grateful for this baby


 a burst of sewing energy this month- couldn't resist this rainbow heart fabric even if i tried, which i didn't, ha!

 little miss had a little bedhead this morning sporting her new valentine's day shirt #allthehearteyes
 i'll be sharing some tutorials soon for some other sewing things on my sewing blog, rose & ruffle

 this little chef set tutorial is already posted here

 love is in the air...smitten with these cozy flannel nightgowns in the shop. only a few left!


pink tulips make everything in the world right


this weekend is all about the heart food...

 (we slice this for our valentine's meatball good!)

 ...and treats...

 ...and chocolate and strawberries...

...and special little dates with my little and-not-so-little loves!
(we had been sledding here, that explains the hair and red faces a bit, right? ha ha)


packing for our upcoming trip to florida! flip flops here i come! i'd wear them here (in nh) but the snow and ice make it just a tad dicey

 isabelle's super helpful list for our trip to d.c. last spring makes me smile

travel snack prep will be's a long haul but will be so worth it! 

There you have it, all my favorites lately. Hope your weekend is a happy and bright one. For more Friday Favorites, check out Erika's blog, Narci's blog, and Andrea's blog; and for Five on Friday, visit April's blog.

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