
Friday, October 21, 2016

Little Levi is Six Months Old!

Having such a big gap between children has made me extremely aware of the fact that time keeps moving forward, kids gets older in a heartbeat, and the days all pass so very quickly (even the ones that seem like they won't ever end!). I try not to take any of it for granted, to savor every single detail and moment because, before I know it, they'll be off in high school.

Levi turned six months old last week, and I had intended to write a little Day in Our Life post about it. Famous last words, I guess. :)

At around five months, baby boy, who still doesn't sleep very well, had a few weeks of sleeping from about 3 or 4 in the morning until 8:45. It made our earlier-morning school routine a little easier, that's for sure. But now his stretches are from bedtime at around 7:30 until 10 or 11, a quick nurse, then sometimes until 2 or 3, other times, even 4 or 5. I know most babies are sleeping through the night at his age, but he isn't, so what can you do, really? You deal with it and enjoy the extra snuggles because it doesn't last forever. On his half-birthday day, Levi slept until around 8, so he missed seeing Isabelle before school, but the big guys were home sick (mostly better by this point...), so he got spoiled with attention as usual. Watching them with their baby brother is just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

The sun was shining brightly and it was such a gorgeous fall day. The leaves had a late start this year and were just beginning to turn. I had big plans to do a little photo shoot in our backyard after running some errands, but... on the way to the store, my stomach started rumbling. And not the hungry kind of rumble. Before I knew it, everything was flipping inside out and I needed to get HOME. So much for balloons and cute photo shoots.  :/  So we all hung out and binge-watched Brooklyn 99, which I had never heard of before two weeks ago and now we're hooked. So, so funny. We have had to skip a few scenes, and one episode entirely, but otherwise it's just really, really hilarious.

Well. Now it's another week later. #notwinning

Yes, big brother is now blonde. It's a Varsity soccer thing, ha.

And the day ends the same way it begins, in Mama's arms. How we love this baby boy!