
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Life Lately

Hi friends! Between trying to keep up with the demands of having five children who need to eat and have clean clothes and get carted from here to there - the nerve, right?- and managing orders at Rose & Ruffle, and trying to keep up with any number of other things, all the while dealing with a baby who still doesn't sleep well, this poor little blog keeps getting neglected. But I'm not giving up because it is such a good way to record all our happenings.

Last month, Levi had his first cart ride. Time is a thief. But how adorable he looks up there, and of course, with his pretty sidekick who's never very far away!

Morning and night, always together. It is the most amazing thing to witness.

 Just a little playtime in his crib. Because, you know, why would one think of sleeping in there?

Levi still favors his left hand to grab and grasp things, including food. I'm not sure why, but the baby foods he refused for a long while he is now happy to gobble up. He loves oatmeal with fruit, chicken, pasta, cucumber, and cookies. I know, I know. #fifthchildprobs

Isabelle is enjoying playing basketball this year! She's quite good, too. :)

Everywhere we go, people stop us and comment on his eyes. And his serious face. It's hysterical. This boy can stare the life right out of you! Good thing he shares those big smiles with his Mama!

Two more bottom teeth have popped through, and the ones on top are getting closer to making their debut. Teeth change their look sooo much. He's still so cute but no longer teeny baby cute. Cue the tears.

No shortage of sibling love around here!

A few weeks ago, we took Jonah and Caleb to see Jeremy Camp, and it was fantastic! Great show but even greater mission and message. I admit, I was on pins and needles a bit because Levi refuses a bottle and I had never left him- not even once!- and it made me nervous to say the least. Yes, he cried (screamed) but fell asleep in Ethan's arms for two hours, and then was happy and awake for about thirty minutes before we got back home. This was also the night we got a sponsor child!!

We reeeeaaaaallllly need to make the switch to the bigger seat, but every time I'm about to do it (we bought a new one last month, ha ha), I just can't. He's growing so fast!

The very first time we walked through this house, I'd envisioned the family room totally different than the way we've had to have it this past year. But...that has changed and I'm thrilled with it! I'll do a separate post about that project soon. Next up, we're designing a mantel and potential surround, so hopefully that will be in the works right after Christmas.

Okay, it's getting late- well, no, it really isn't, but baby still doesn't sleep well so I've got to when I get the chance, sigh- so goodnight! Tomorrow is our Christmas program at church and I'm just hoping that no one wakes up with a fever or worse, stomach woes. This has been a rough year on us health-wise!

I hope you enjoyed the little update. I definitely keep up with IG more- I'm @bethanylivs_life over there if you want to say hello. =)

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