Happy First Birthday, Levi Matthew!
Here's a glimpse into our day celebrating our special one year old!
This was actually the 4th, the night before, as we were getting you ready for bed.
I know it will be time to wean you soon, and I thought that's where we were headed a couple weeks ago, but it turns out it was a nursing strike. That was quite traumatic, for both of us! I am SO glad that seems to be behind us.
I think you look a little nervous. That's probably my fault, as you'd seen me crying for days at this point. I tried so hard to keep it together, but... Sorry, baby. Turning one is a Big Deal.
Oh look, you're fine. :)
And here you are the very next morning on your BIRTHDAY!
You woke up a little groggy but then started smiling like normal. I don't think you knew what to make of me singing while holding bunches of balloons, ha!
I made a little collage of my favorite pictures from our special morning.
Look at our big boy!
And then it was time for...your first donut!
Well, donut hole, to be exact - I wanted to save the real sugar rush for your birthdya party, ha ha ;)
Guess what?
You liked it.
No surprise there!
I posted this one on IG and it's my absolute favorite.
Just look how excited you are!
I was so hopeful for sun, or at least warmer temperatures, on your big day, but it was dark and cloudy all day long. It did warm up just a bit, but the wind made it too cold to enjoy being outside. The past two weeks have been like this, so dreary, so I keep plopping you beside the windows to try to get all the pictures I've dreamed of getting with you for your birthday. It has been a challenge!
I took you to the store to pick up some photos I ordered for your party, and everywhere we went, people kept commenting on how adorable you are. You normally get lots of attention from strangers, so this is nothing new, but it was CRAZY that day- they must have known it was your special day and just had to say hello!
Obviously, that, and sugar, wore you out. :)
You had been very curious about this big box that had arrived the week before, and it was finally time to wrap it and let you open it up!
It came in a plain brown box, so he wasn't looking at his unwrapped gift all week long, ha ha.
We had to show you what to do with the paper, and even then, you tore little bits and pieces. Which is totally ironic, considering the toilet paper fiasco the day before...
Aaand midway through, you got distracted and wanted to chase your balloons around. Oh Levi, you are too much!
When you finally got it opened up, I think you were more mesmerized by the big boy standing in the picture than the actual toy. We didn't set it up as a walker toy because you aren't quite ready for that yet, but you sure love to push the buttons and your very favorite thing is to open the barn door that squeaks and then says "Peek-a-boo, I see you!"
(By far, the most stressful thing for me about planning and putting together a party is the mess that's always on my dining room table as I organize and make stuff. Ugh!)
Ethan was at the gym and then working, or vice versa- I can't keep track!- and he was so mad at us for letting Levi open up his gift without him. Oops.
This is the best photo I've got, yikes. I know you'll want to have a nice picture with all your brothers and sister, so I'd better get on this!
Both of your grandparents stopped by to see you on your birthday, too!
Oh there's Ethan!
I guess it was the gym, ha
I was just looking for a picture with you and Daddy, and I don't have one of those, either, though I know he was taking selfies with you because I remember hearing the two of you giggling and having quite the raucous, so I'll have to steal a pic. ;)
You and Daddy had your usual bath time routine, and I know he wished he could be home with you all day long, so he took a little longer getting you ready for bed- he missed you that day!
And then, one by one, all the boys and Isabelle piled in our room to play with you and kiss you goodnight.
What a wonderful day of celebrating YOU!
From early in the morning until late at night, we got texts, emails, and Facebook messages all wishing you a happy birthday - you are very loved, Levi! Everyone just adores you!
We had Levi's birthday party on Saturday afternoon and it was so much fun.
I LOVE reading about kids' parties, so here is a sneak peek for anyone interested...
I LOVE reading about kids' parties, so here is a sneak peek for anyone interested...
I'll have a post up with all the WILD details later this week so be sure to check back!
Hope you have a great Monday!
Happy 1st birthday to your adorable boy!