
Friday, June 30, 2017

An Interview with 10.5 Year Old Isabelle + Our Backyard Portrait Session

What made you smile the most in fourth grade?
The last day of school

What made you most nervous?

What one thing did you look forward to the most?
Reading Group

What are you looking forward to next year, in the fifth grade? (!!!)
FACTS (modern home-economics class)

If you could spend the whole day doing whatever you wanted, what would you do? (It can be more than one thing.)
Reading, writing, swimming in the pool, spending the day helping out little kids...or something like that  (Seriously? Okay.)

If you could have lunch with anybody in the whole world, alive or deceased, who would it be?
Kate and Claire (friends)

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite outfit?
The long dress that you made me, that you tie on the shoulders

What do you wish I would let you wear?
Mini-skirt, I guess (after probing for a few minutes)

What do you think Daddy would say if a boy asked you to be his girlfriend?

What would I say?

What super power do you wish you had?
I'm kind of thinking of the powers Elsa has, like ice power things. Oh, water powers!

Which season makes you feel the happiest?

What thing do you like best about yourself?
I was a pretty fast learner when I took piano [lessons]

What one quality do you look for in a good friend?

What one thing that has happened made you feel the most special?
When our family does something fun all together

What's your favorite memory?

**And this is where she got overwhelmed and got mad at me and refused to answer. Go figure.**

Ten and a half years old. I can hardly believe it. She made me a girl Mom, and I loved her from the very first moment I ever laid eyes on her, a blurry image on my computer screen. And we just knew. She was meant for us and we for her.

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