
Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday Favorites...Friends, Food & Fun!

I feel like I say this at the beginning of every single month, and here I go, saying it yet again.
I cannot believe it is already JUNE!!!
June means warmer weather and longer nights and relaxed schedules and ice cream cones and campfires and fireflies and just all the really, really good stuff in life, ya know?

But we aren't there quite yet. Nearly three more weeks of school for this crew until summer really begins, and I'm determined to convince myself that I'll be all geared up for it. Currently, I am not. ha ha
Today is going to be a great day, filled with lots of favorites!
Every Friday morning is my special time with Caleb before school, and this little tradition has become one of my very favorites. I think I'm in denial that he is heading to high school in the fall. That doesn't seem possible, so I am soaking in all these moments together. Really, there are special individual and uninterrupted moments that I have with each one of my kids during the morning because of our schedule and varying times for needing to be at school. It just works out that way, and I treasure it.

I've been putting Levi in the jogger and taking him on really long walks a few times a week lately, and it truly is one of my favorite things to do. Some walks are quite intense- I haven't been running because my left knee is acting up, but the hills are steep and tough!- so I feel good about getting in a solid workout. Other walks are leisurely and just so much fun, especially when I meet up with a friend, like I am this morning. Can't wait!

 In case you think I have it together every day... some mornings we barely make it out of the house, and only some of us are actually dressed. (Thankfully, most of the time that's ME ;) )
I am so excited that another one of my friends, this one from my high school days!, is coming over for dinner tonight. Good friends are definitely favorites of mine, and to celebrate, I'm making our favorite No Bake Peanut Butter Pie during nap time this morning.

I'm hoping it's a good nap because I also need to get some cleaning done. While I won't claim that housework is my favorite, I admit that there is something so revitalizing about cleaning up our home so that it feels tidy and inviting. Which is no easy feat with the resident tornado that lives here, let me tell you...good thing he's so stinkin' cute!

 I turned my back for a nanosecond.
And don't even ask me where that spoon came from! ha ha ha

 He was SO excited to show me "his" dirt  =)

Lastly, this is my favorite color for that spring/summer transition right now, here in the north anyway. So pretty and fresh!
Ack, that's a terrible picture, sorry! But you get the idea...and now I've got to go finish lunches. Thirteen more to go, ha!

Have a really wonderful Friday! I hope it's filled with all your favorite things, too!

sharing today with Erika, Narci and Andrea

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, it's amazing how such a tiny person can create such a huge mess!! :) That peanut butter pie looks delicious!


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