
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Ten on Ten :: September 2017

I just realized I never wrote about Labor Day weekend or our anniversary, so things may be a bit out of order this week. Just like real life, ha ha.

Yesterday was 9/11. I still remember driving out to my friend's house with Ethan, barely two years old, and Jonah, who had just just turned six months old six days before. I'd been listening to Veggie Tales in the car and hadn't heard a thing, so Trisha filled me in, though none of us really had any idea what truly had happened at this point. I was surprised to see Bill's car in the driveway- we were staying in my parent's empty house while ours was being built- when I got home. All the government agencies were letting everyone off from work, and he is close to Boston, and they feared Boston would be a target. We ended up bringing the boys to a local farm and bought pumpkins and apples. It was all very surreal. In the days and weeks afterward, while I remember being devastated, I also felt such hope that good will always win out over evil. And I see that happening with Harvey and Irma as well. The people that risk their own lives to help out a neighbor are true heroes indeed.

 The 10th was on Sunday this month, but since Levi and I weren't feeling great, we stayed home for naps while everyone else headed to church. We stayed in our pajamas and read stories and snuggled together before his nap.

My stomach bothered me all last week and into the weekend. My best friend's mother died the week before and Saturday was her funeral. I think that situation was the major culprit. (same friend I visited on 9/11) After Levi fell asleep, I brought a ginger ale out to the pool and enjoyed the quiet and warm sunshine. We'll be closing it up soon, which makes me kind of sad, so I sneak out there every chance I get.

Homemade pizza leftovers for lunch, and then a little field hockey practice with Dad. I think Ryder wanted in on the action as well.

Always in the rocks :)
Look down before you step, though- ouch!

At one point some storm clouds started to roll in but it was still such a gorgeous day. So we popped Levi into the jogger and took him on a long trail with Ryder. The leaves are beginning to turn color. Last year, it was early October before they really turned, which I like much better- it feels like fall is extended and winter is farther away.

If you've read along here for any length of time, you know that making pie crust used to be the death of me. Not anymore! I barely break out into a cold sweat at the thought of putting together my own crust now. ha ha 

I'm going to blog this recipe, too- it was so yummy!

Back outside to play some more. Note the pants change- the knees of his jeans were covered in dirt and mud, since he found a bucket of rain water earlier. Oops.

Tossing a ball and frisbee. I miss evenings like this when it gets colder.

Somewhere in there was a giant tantrum by yours truly. Parenting is humbling. And hard.
We'd already planned to surprise them with Chinese take-out, so after I apologized and nearly everyone was back to normal, we enjoyed our little feast.

I was finishing cleaning up when Caleb called us outside to see these deer. We've been watching them since they were teeny babies with spots. I'd be devastated if they suddenly didn't travel as a group of three anymore.

All in all, it was a good day. :)

If you participate in Ten on Ten, let me know and I'd love to see how your day was.
Ten pictures on the 10th day of the month to capture the beauty in the everyday.

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