
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Our Favorite Books to Read Aloud to Baby

I loved being read to as a child, and I love it even more as a Mom. With all the beautiful board books out there, and most classics also available as such, there is no shortage of quality books to read with your baby. When Levi was an infant, we gave him several cloth books, and as he got more independent and capable, he mastered the technique of flipping the pages and looked quite proud doing so, I might add. :)

This is not going to be an original list by any means- there's a reason these books are so popular and get chosen again and again. They're just wonderful! Simple rhymes, the repetition of certain words, phrases or sounds, and colorful illustrations have always delighted our babies, and we have loved reading these to them. If there's one listed here that you're not familiar with, you should check it out!

Our Favorite Books to Read to Baby

1. The Best Mouse Cookie, Laura Numeroff
2. The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper
3. The Backyard Dance by Sandra Boynton
4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
5. The Counting Book by Lilian Moore (illustrated by Garth Williams of Little House on the Prairie books)
6. Moo La La by Sandra Boynton
7. Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
8. The Mitten by Jan Brett

I should add here that pretty much any board book by Sandra Boynton is a win in our home. They are just clever and cute, and the illustrations are darling; but the two listed above are the ones he always reached for and squealed about the most when he was smaller. Today at 22 months old, they are still his favorites by far, though we've been adding lots of truck and tractor books to the mix, which he clearly loves.

If you have a favorite book to read to your little one, please share in the comments! And enjoy reading to those cute, squishy faces. I sure miss this one right here! :)

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