
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Walk in the Park

We had a couple of "tease" days when the weather warmed up and we took full advantage. But boy oh boy, is it a harsh reality when the temperature inevitably nosedives again and the snow starts falling. Today, Wednesday, we're expecting over a foot. Lots of schools have already closed for tomorrow in anticipation.

Isabelle and I brought Levi to the park during winter break last week. This one morning was quite momentous: Levi climbed up to go on the slide all by himself! I love watching him accomplish all these big kid goals, but my heart is pleading with him to please slow down, just a little bit.

Trying to get a picture of those gorgeous deep baby blues...

He keeps making these silly faces. I LOVE them!

Got it! I still cannot believe that I have boys with such beautiful blue eyes!

Mesmerized with big sis. Isabelle got her finger pinched on the tire swing shortly after this, ouch.

Isabelle brought him down with her several times and he seemed to like it.

Look at that smile!

Then he started getting brave and this time he went down beside her. Love that little nose!!!

He looks unsure about this...

Still not feeling it, sister...

But once he was down, he got this look of such satisfaction and then marched over to the steps to climb up and do the slide ALL BY HIMSELF. My big boy!

I was taking videos of him sliding down so I don't have any actual pictures- I'll have to do that next time. So happy and proud! I love watching him accomplish things but it stings, too. He isn't my little baby anymore. :/

I let Levi walk along the pathway through the park and I was nervous that he was going to take off in any random direction, but he was so good and stayed right with us. He was not happy with me when I scooped him up and put him in the jogger once we reached the sidewalk outside of the park, but he got it together pretty quickly. Some dogs were walking by and a few birds chirping were the perfect distraction, ha! We had a nice little stroll along some side streets before heading home.

Something that surprised me while we were still at the park: he did not want anything to do with the swing! He used to LOVE going in the swings! Not this day, wanted nothing to do with it. I tried twice before giving up. I wonder if he'll be as confident with the slides the next time we go. We shall see!

Here's proof, ha ha:

So relaxed he fell asleep like this! One of my favorite moments!

Okay, time to get some sewing done before I have everyone home with me tomorrow, ha ha. Hope you have a super Wednesday. :)

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