
Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Favorites...School's (Finally) Out!

Hooray for Friday! AND it's the first official day of summer break for us, so we are packing up and heading to the beach today! I had not anticipated a wake up call of 4:58, and then NOT going back to sleep, ugh, but what can you do? Clearly, baby cakes did not get the memo that Mama gets to have a fun/non-traumatizing first morning of summer break, too.

It has been so hard to keep up with everything lately, especially the blog! Just life with five kids, I guess. :)

This is our third summer here, and I am seriously giddy-excited over the flowers in bloom right now. We worked really hard and the pay off is nothing short of glorious. I've run out of vases and jelly jars with all the bouquets we keep picking, and we looove giving some to friends and neighbors.

The veggies are doing great! I'm so excited!

Like I mentioned above, Levi has had some major sleep issues lately, everything from protesting naps- umm, nope- to taking over an hour to settle down at night to waking up with the birds. Literally. This view is a favorite for sure and I savor it, not knowing when it will happen next! Whyyyyyyy?

He adores his lovey over his face, but I always go in and move it to the side. They look like such angels when they're asleep, don't they?

We'll be doing much more of this in the coming days! He looked so intent, like he was in charge of getting things done, ha! And he still lines things up along the edge just so...maybe he'll be an engineer or architect?? Or an artist! :)

We've also been spending lots of time out here - this was the very first time Levi let us put him in his "boat" and bring him out deep. I think he'll be a fish just like the rest of them in no time.

Lastly, one of our very favorite traditions is ice cream sundaes for dinner on the last day of school! I have to say, it was strange not having Ethan be a part of it for the very first time, but he was off doing college-y /adult things. Jonah is too cool to be photographed with his sundae. ;)

Okay, so LAST last. Two things about this: I'm having an internal dilemma/debate over whether to embrace the grays that are coming in. I'm thinking, no, not yet, but I am not a high maintenance kind of girl- I'm 43 (and a half!!) and I rarely wear more make-up than mascara and lip balm, so... I'm thinking that just isn't going to change any time soon. Plus, my emotions have been alllll over the place with the changes going on here, and I'm just not feeling my best and not making good food choices- yes, a salad would be lovely but it takes so long to make, and this box of Oreos is RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Ugh. It's bad. So I'm recommitting to...something anyway, and hoping to feel- and look!- better. Levi and I went on a nice long walk yesterday- lots of hills! Here I am with no make up and all sweaty- I felt out of shape and pitiful, but happy to be moving in the right direction.

Okay, I had better go get things ready for our little adventure today! Have a super day and a wonderful weekend!

It's much easier for me to keep up with IG, so my personal account is @bethanylivs_life and my shop account is @roseandruffle ...having a great sale over there till the end of the month! :)

I'm joining in with Andrea, Narci and Erika today - you should too! Such a fun way to find new blogs and such...thanks, ladies!

1 comment:

  1. I love the ice cream for dinner tradition. What a fun way to ring in summer! Have a great weekend!


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