
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prettier Pantry Door

I don't know about you, but there's something about this time of year that simply beckons projects.
Maybe it's because we're all cooped up and I can't help but notice seemingly unimportant things that begin to really bug me.
I know we all have those things in our homes that drive us nuts, but I decided to tackle a few prettifying projects to see if that might help ease the loathing a bit.
Well, um, kinda.
Just as long as I don't look at the other stuff.  :)

Let's take my pantry door, for example.  It's a functional pantry, pitifully basic and unimaginative.  But I don't really have the time, budget, or inclination to really change it, so...I decided to gussy it up a bit instead.

I realized I should take a before picture, but I'd already painted it high gloss white ~ years ago I'd painted it the same color as the wall, even the trim!  I've never liked the door, and I was hoping to make it blend in a bit.

Here is the freshly painted white door.

Then I got to thinkin' again.  What about stenciling a word down the door?
I had all but settled on  "PANTRY" in bold, black chunky letters, but looking around the rest of the room, it simply didn't fit.

I grabbed my bin of acrylic paints that I use so often I store them in the frigid basement and then had a coughing fit over the dust that flew in my face when I opened up the cover...I digress...I still couldn't decide on a color, so I was waiting for inspiration to hit me.
I ended up stippling with basic white and adding a glittery gold to the edges.  Oh, and above the door obviously.  So absolutely nothing like what I'd envisioned!
And I love it!
It's understated, but detailed.  Cute but not too cute.

But the door was looking too white and boring.  What to do, what to do.
Isabelle and I had just purchased a stencil at Michael's (with a coupon!) that I had in mind for another project, but the gears started turning again and...

Same colors, same process, shoot- same paper plate!
Ready to be amazed? ? ?
It's so difficult to capture the part I love most in a picture!  Because I left lots of areas of the stencils just white, you don't really "see" them on the door, but you can see the difference in texture and sheen.  The golden edges give everything just a hint of sparkle.

I also thought I'd be SO smart by saving money and buying only a non-functional levered handle, and that I could somehow rig it up with the existing knob...who's gonna see the inside of a pantry door, folks?...but no, in fact no such rigging occurred.  I frowned.  And maybe pouted.  I wanted this to be a super cheap-o prettifying project.

But in the end, I caved, and it cost me $21.88.
And I think it's totally worth it!

Nice, huh?
I know, I know, I've been planning on replacing those tired, builder-grade lighting fixtures in the main entry for a few years time.  In time.
I'll just keep looking at my lovely levered door for now.   :)

Happy Weekend Everyone! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sew adorable

 My Sweet Valentine

I think I'm a fabric dyslexic.
I can envision what things will look like so clearly in my mind, yet I have a really hard time getting the actual item in front of me to resemble said vision.

Sigh.  I suppose that's true of most of my life in general, ha.

I figured out it was best to make the puff part first, and stop worrying about the red underlay for a minute.

Now it's time to attach the underlay/basic skirt.  I made the casing for the waistband and then attached the apron front over that, to make it look like more of a ruffle- love this!

Just need to hem the red skirt.
Mini modeling session yesterday, on Valentine's Day...she was none too happy with me when I announced that she'd be taking it off and "saving" it for her school party today.

This is what I did for the shirt ~
A multipurpose butterfly/heart/initial "i" for Isabelle!  I know, I may have dyslexia, but I sure am clever, ha!

Ouch!  See that scowl?
And here she was a few hours ago.
No permanent damage.

We opted for white tights in lieu of red leggings, and of course her "sparkle shoons!"
I could eat those little legs up no matter they're wearing!

All in all, I'm pleased with how it turned out sans pattern or other tutorial, but I do wish it had more "poof."  I'll have to read up on that!    =)

Sharing with~

Friday, February 11, 2011

Beauty Secrets

I completely forgot about today's SUYL over at Kelly's Korner.  This week's topic is beauty secrets, and my regimen is pretty simple (and it has worked, I'm told...still no crow's feet at 36!  yay!) so I thought I'd share.

I'm the first to admit, I don't know my way around a make-up counter very well, I still have a tolerate it/hate relationship with my hair, and I usually only wear black Great Lash mascara and Burt's Bees gloss unless it's a special occasion, tips are geared more towards skin care and prevention.

Also, I believe our inner beauty correlates directly with outward beauty, so I try to remember that I'm a beautiful, unique individual that God created and takes delight in.  But honestly, I haven't been doing so well with that lately.  And it shows!  An inner peace and a positive, resilient, loving spirit are a vital part of our appearance.
guess I'm an Olay girl!!  my other fave- Noxzema- is missing from this pic 

I've been applying Oil of Olay with SPF 15 (higher SPF in the summer) daily since I was about 12.  It has worked!  However, I did not apply it to my neck and chest, and am now suffering some consequences there...I'll be scouring through all the entries for advice about that!

Since I was pregnant with Jonah, my second son, I have routinely applied a nightly eye cream after cleansing before bed.  I really notice the difference in the morning when I skip this, especially in the cold, dry winter months!  (I also slap on some good ol' Chapstick in the summer, Blistex in the winter.)

I don't cleanse my face twice in the winter because it's too drying for me, but in the summer I do (I get dirty and sweaty a lot, eww- we play hard in the summer!)  I switch cleansers around to suit the climate.  I also exfoliate once or twice a week, but don't skip the moisturizer after doing this!
I do have a hard time remembering to moisturize my arms and legs everyday, but when I remember, I really notice the difference.  I love the smell of the Jergen's in the pic above.  There's a Vaseline one that smells delicious too- many of the higher-priced lotions irritate my skin...go figure!

Lastly, hydrate!  I drink lots of water...easy peasy, and cheap!

Oh, and floss well- a nice smile is priceless!

Thanks for reading ~ I can't wait to read everyone else's tips, especially for curly, fly-away, difficult hair!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

La Cuccina Italiana

In between dusting, vacuuming, swiffering, and tossing loads of clothes into the washer yesterday, I was also tuning into the Nate Show.  Love him!  He had had on a special chef guest, Lidia I'm-not-even-going-to-attempt-spelling-her-last-name, who reminded me that there is much fun to be had in the kitchen!  So many times I fall into the trap of not wanting the mess- or wanting to summon the extra patience required when little hands are involved.  But I was totally and completely inspired yesterday, so last night we embraced our own cuccina italiana.

hands washed and aprons (and hat!) on...ready to get to work!

Little Miss helping Daddy crack the egg

love the tongue that appears when he's really concentrating...and look at Sneaks in the background, ha!

Caleb's turn ~ he loves it!

I was biting my tongue, folks.  For real.

sticky sticky sticky

starting to come together!

after letting the dough rest for a few minutes, it was finally time to start rolling
poor Jonah had a headache and opted out of this part (E was having dinner down the road with Grandma and Grandpa)

he was working so hard!
those wintery things in the background are screaming out at me about now ~ it's just our reality for half the year, so you'd think I'd come to terms with it already

and presto, we have fettuccine noodles!

this impromptu recipe called for fresh veggies (peppers & asparagus) sauteed in olive oil
plus a sprinkle of cheese and a dash of basil, and...


The kiddos really enjoyed eating something they had made themselves, and it sure was yummy!
I think I see a pasta machine on our anniversary list this year!  :)