Right now our cat Sneakers is laying beside me, snoring, without a care in the world, atop a laundry basket full of beach towels. What a life! I'd snap a picture but I'm feeling a bit too lazy...
It's pouring out today, perfect for baking. Though my to-do list today was quite full, and no, it did not include baking anything. That just happened when poor little miss began whimpering in her bed early early that her "tummy ache hurt."
Oh, and that she'd already gone to the bathroom in her underpants.
Poor baby has a stomach bug and was in hysterics over having to miss preschool today. After a rough morning with a few more unsavory accidents, a warm bubble bath and a cup of hot tea, she seems to be a little more comfortable now.
So much for that list. Oh well. It's a good day for cookies and banana bread.
And for the refrigerator repairman to pay a visit. Funny, he isn't actually the one paying anything, is he? Our fridge is barely a year old. Not happy about that.
I know I've been MIA for a couple weeks. Thanks Ryan- you are so sweet and I appreciate you! I've been busy with life, routines, soccer games...all that stuff. It hasn't been an easy month, or summer for that matter. Lots of tough decisions to contemplate, and God feels so distant just when I need Him most. If you think of it and are so inclined, offer up a prayer on my behalf, k? Thanks.
this apple was as big as her head! huge!
just love this shot of my handsome boy
atop the lookout tower at the orchard- i had my biggest lens on and couldn't back up enough to get a good shot!
this peregrine falcon had its right wing amputated and lives at our local audubon society- her handler was spritzing water for her and i thought she looked so cute drinking it up
all that guzzling makes a girl tired!
next up was a red-tailed hawk, so SO pretty! the poor kids were staring straight up at the blazing sun for this shot
tractor ride through the orchard!
Isabelle's first day of preschool (a week late)...it's a long story
such a beautiful, sweet little girl!!
so i didn't officially ask if this was okay K and K...whoops! they're so cute, I had to share!
Now I have to go hunt down the checkbook...hmpf!
I've missed your blog entries! I hope you can feel God's presence soon so you don't feel so alone. I know He's there for you.