
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I remember 9/11 so clearly. It was a beautiful morning. I was headed to my best friend's house with my barely 2-year-old Ethan and sweet 6-month-old Jonah. We had both heard snippets of what was happening, but somehow the reality of what was going on eluded us both. It seemed far-fetched, the newest sensationalistic story or perhaps an attention-getting ploy, a huge mistake even.

Of course it wasn't.

We were living in my parent's house, waiting on this house to be built. Caleb was but a distant twinkle in my eye, and God had not yet fully matured the strings on my heart that would later lead me to seek adopting a child. This time of transition spent in my childhood home (my parents were not there at the time) still resonates so clearly with me- I remember it all. Especially that day.

My heart leaped when I saw Bill drive down the driveway, a full three hours early. His office had sent everyone home early, not knowing what the rest of the day might bring. We had no cell phones to communicate that all was well, long-distance phone rates back then kept us from calling throughout the day to check in. It seems so absolutely foreign now, so absurd. Everyone and their uncle owns a cell phone today.

I don't, however, remember whose idea it was to make the drive out to a local farm. I bought beautiful mums for the mini-garden at the end of the driveway and a gourd for each boy. I can still see Ethan's face as he proudly clung to that silly little funnel-shaped, wart-covered squash.

We went back to that same farm on Sunday. It seemed like a poignant way to honor the ten-year anniversary. So much has changed since then, in the world and in our little family. So after drying my tears from listening to name after name read aloud throughout the morning ceremonies, we made the scenic drive out to the backwoods of Hopkinton to visit with the cows and horses, ducks, pigs and goats, among others.

My heart was heavy. But I have learned in these last ten years how powerful and good and just our God is. And how our time here really is a speck compared with all of eternity. It makes me want to run screaming through the streets and stores and schools and offices with the GOOD NEWS of salvation, to share this power with everyone around me, to love people- really love them- and live out my life in honor of what He has done for me!

Good triumphs! God triumphs! He has already won the battle.

Here are a couple of pictures from our afternoon at the farm. Life is so precious!

I have a picture of their cute ol' backsides since they were in diapers! This is probably the last one I will ever get of them all together like this...sigh...

1 comment:

  1. I've been missing your blog updates! Is everything ok? Just checking in :)


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