
Sunday, December 8, 2013

December Running

If I were to give one word to describe the first week of December, I think it would have to be: BUSY! Running here and there, from orthodontist appointments and Christmas caroling to cookie-baking and choir practices and a million little things in between. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day. Plus, we've got those two birthdays coming up fast! ;)

I've been going a little berserk with the Christmas decorating, but it has made me so happy (at least until it's time to take it all down and pack it away) and our home feels so festive! Last year we were still in the midst of painting painting painting, and I kept things to a minimum out of necessity. Not this year! Last night the moon was shining so brightly above that Jonah dragged down the telescope so we could take a closer look- it was so neat, all bumpy and lumpy and bright!

I really enjoyed being on the decorating committee at church this year, and Thursday night was the Ladies Cookie Swap, which was so much fun. I didn't get to take as many pictures that night as I'd wanted to because the women began to arrive earlier than expected- I guess we like to party!  =) Anyhoo, William texted me a photo of my girl around 7 o'clock, sans one top front tooth. I knew it was coming, but I fought it big time. Just one more bit of proof that she is not my little baby girl anymore. There were tears, but once I saw that big ol' gap the next morning, the cuteness of it won me over.

There were, however, more tears (not mine this time) when the Tooth Fairy was MIA for about the hundredth time in our teeth-losing parenting adventure. In the end, Mama's quick thinking saved the day. Tooth was taken, fancy apology note and two dollars, plus Caleb's dime (awwww), were left, thus faith was restored. Until next time when we forget all over again. I feel like we should have our licenses revoked or something, considering all the failures we've had in this one area. Clearly we aren't cut out for Tooth Fairy work. Seriously The Worst Tooth Fairy Parents Ever.

We had Caleb's friends over yesterday to take them swimming- that's what he wanted to do for his "friend party." It was extremely low-key, which felt awesome!, and the boys had so much fun. Next weekend we'll have our families over to celebrate Caleb and Isabelle, and then as tradition goes, we'll have Isabelle Kate's party with friends in January. She has finally begun to complain a bit about this now that she realizes it means she will have to wait, but...I don't think I can handle any more crazy this month, ha!

You can read more about Caleb's Winter Pool Party here.

So yes, I've definitely been busy, but certainly not without joy. I love my quiet mornings in the twinkle-light-filled darkness and the scent of fresh pine and the near-constant aroma of Christmas cookies, cakes and tarts coming from our kitchen. The jingle of the Salvation Army bells, brand new snow on lawn and branches. Cozy nights and traditions to look forward to in the coming weeks. My heart hurts today, however, because of another adoption loss- this makes six in the past few weeks- but in a strange and wonderful way, those disappointments are also wrapped in hope and peace. I suppose that's the place where genuine faith really kicks in. Anyway, I find myself acutely aware of how much I've been given, so much for which to be perpetually giving thanks. And that makes all the difference.

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