
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Simple Fall Decor in Our Entry, Living and Dining Rooms

It's Thanksgiving Week! I'm not one for decorating early (before Thanksgiving) for Christmas. However, this year, I find I've got the itch to move the autumn things out to make way for the lights and sparkle. Last fall, we had painted lots of the trim and the door white, but the walls were still pretty awful. I love how fresh and light the space looks now.

 Simple but festive on our front porch

I'm still loving the sectional sofa in our family room/living room. It opens the space up the way I'd envisioned.

Here's a look at the dark leather furniture in here- it was still such an improvement getting the TV mounted on the wall so we move the couch to that wall.

I admit, I did not bring up even half of the decorations I normally do. I used fresh flowers and food basically. And I liked it, but I missed some of my favorite things.

Somebody didn't mind all the pumpkins and gourds around the house!

Plus they made fun bath toys :)

Just some candles and faux flowers for this hallway.

I have not finished with that far wall, but it looks so much better than when we started. This was taken a couple of days after we moved in. You can see all the wood trim and that ginormous brick fireplace with the stone cold slab of granite (which weighs like a thousand joke!)

This is not a very good picture...I'll have to change it out... but it shows our framed ship lap wall. We removed that awful gold wall mounted fixture and finally kissed the green farewell. A year later and we still haven't done the mantel. #lifewith5kids

And because this picture always makes me smile. This was really the only decoration that I ever loved on it. :)
Baby shower post HERE

I'll be making Pumpkin Pecan Pie and Sweet Potato Casserole this year...can't wait! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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