
Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Favorites!

What a week! In case nobody has let you in on this secret, parenting is hard. Bubble burst? Sorry. Well, now you know. Moving on, ha ha ha.

Random question for all of you who know so much more tech stuff than I do: is there a way to add my blog photos to the Google archive in albums like I used to? It was the best system of organizing and keeping track...and now it's all different and the blog photos just pop up anywhere because I can't add them to a particular folder anymore. I mean, really. It takes me forever and a day just to get familiar with any type of tech whatever, and then they go and change it and I just can't handle it.

I knew before having kids that I wanted to be the Mom that made a big fuss over Valentine's Day. Not with material things, but with love notes and one-on-one dates and anything that shows them how valued and valuable they are, not just to their father and me but to the One who has loved them since the beginning of time. And special treats. Obviously everything is just plain better with dessert, ha. ;) I wrote this post highlighting our favorites with links to recipes.

last year's pics, but they haven't had their special date yet :)

School basketball season is coming to a close. Caleb's play offs start on Saturday, but Isabelle's was last night. She has shown to be quite the aggressive b-ball player, typically scoring between 6 and 12 points per game! I was kept up to date with texts last night because I was home doing the whole bedtime routine with Levi, and it was a nail biter for sure. Tied at half time, then within one or two points until the very end. They won! I hated to miss watching it, but I was feeling so drained and exhausted after a long couple of weeks, I may have been in bed before they even got home. #oldlady

also last year's pics, but they are the CUTEST, so yeah

I think we have finally kicked our germs to the curb. Hoorayyyyyy! Of course I just had to get up to blow my nose and wash my hands three times in the last two sentences...ugh... But my kids are feeling better, and that makes me so happy.
I cannot even handle how quickly these years are flying by. How can it be two years ago next week that we took our big family trip to Florida...when I was 34 weeks pregnant with little -unnamed at the time- Levi?!?! I haven't shared about our big trip coming up this year, but I will soon and I cannot wait!

 I guess when you're afraid that if you sit back in the seat you'll never get back up again, you sit awkwardly forward on the edge and look like a giant instead. Oops.


details from this trip are here and here

Like so many of you, I'm dreaming of all things Spring! I've been working on a lot of sewing projects for ME, something I haven't done in a while, and it's been so fun. I think I'll even share some tutorials soon, so check back if that type of thing interests you. I've always been busy busy keeping up with orders, and let me tell you, working with these adorable summery fabrics and eyelet lace just makes me smile so big. Today is the last day for FREE SHIPPING for all baby bonnets and bibs in my shop if you want to take a look! You can visit Rose and Ruffle HERE.

This verse keeps coming to mind this week:

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Show kindness and be the light in a dark world.  Happy weekend!

...joining in with Friday Favorites today

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