Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
1 Corinthians 3:17

Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday Favorites... Getting Ready for Halloween!

Busy busy week over here, certainly with its ups and downs, but here are some of the favorites! I'm joining in with Friday Favorites today for the first time in a loong time... I used to get more blogging done and I love this little online community but lately I feel so out of the game, so to speak, and I really miss it. If you're reading, hello! I'm really glad you're here! :)

Finally getting outside!!
This October is the coldest, wettest October on record, and it kinda stinks. We haven't been able to get outside as much as we're used to, and knowing that winter is on its way sooner rather than later...well, normally we live outside during the month of October. Hooray for spontaneous breaks and playing in the backyard!

I feel like I haven't shown my face around here in a long while, so, hey! :)

Story Time Thursdays! 
I adore our little library and all the friends we've made each week.

Watching my kiddos do things that inspire them! 
Jonah has been volunteering at a nursing home for a school community service project, and he thrives there. I got to see him in action on this day when I went in to sing along with his playing. The sweet elderly ladies are IN LOVE with him, and it was just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Fall colors!
Despite the rain and grey skies, the colors this year are out of this world gorgeous! I did snap some pics on the few sunny days we've had.

School drop offs - it was pouring when we left the house, and by the time we got to this hill, the sun had begun to rise up our of the dark grey was AMAZING! It's blurry, but I was driving, so...oops!

Road trips!!
We headed over to Rhode Island to tour colleges on Wednesday. It was a LONG day with Levi, who slept zero seconds in the car, ugh, and I certainly paid for that all day yesterday, BUT it was a really nice day spent together with our Jonah.

College looks pretty good on him, right? I can't believe we are here. AGAIN. Make it stoppppppp!

Exceptionally weird weather day in RI too, but we saw this on the way home!

 Making memories with family!
My Mom knits all our Christmas stockings around here, and yesterday was the big trip to pick out his very own yarn for his stocking. My Mom, Mimi, was telling him he needed to choose one, ha ha. (I have a few that I use as loaners until they're old enough to choose their own colors, ha!)

Sports Life!!
This girl had a fabulous field hockey season, and she really loves the game! It was fun to watch! They had their big tournament day over the past weekend- they lost in over time, and for some reason, she seemed to take that loss much harder. There were other losses throughout the season, so.... ha ha

Halloween costumes!!!
Here's a quick look back at last year's theme! So much fun! I'm excited about this year and I'm almost done sewing, just in time for our town's Halloween Party tonight, ha! You'll have to check back to see! It's not an all out family theme again, but Isabelle reaaalllllly wanted to match Levi again, and since he has no opinion in the matter, sure! :)

You can find me on IG @bethanylivs_life too :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx


Tractors and Glam Blog said...

What a fun list of favorites. That rainbow is so beautiful. The college campus looks amazing as well. I hope you have a great weekend!

Terra Heck said...

Pretty pics of the fall foliage.
Love the Halloween costumes.

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